Speak English Now Podcast: Learn English | Speak English Without Grammar.

#001 Welcome to The Speak English Now Podcast - First Episode



Welcome to the Speak English Now Podcast, your resource for practicing your English speaking and listening. You will also learn about lifestyle and culture, language, vocabulary and how to learn English more effectively. Transcript: Hi everyone! I’m Georgiana; founder of SpeakEnglishPodcast.com. My mission is to help YOU speak English fluently. I’m extremely excited because you’re listening to my first episode of the Speak English Now podcast. To be honest, I’m aware that there are many podcasts about learning English, so, maybe you’re asking yourself right now, what’s different about this podcast? Well, that’s a fair question. There are many areas in English you can improve, but my main focus, my mission, is to help you SPEAK English fluently. I’d like to repeat that: My mission is to help you SPEAK English fluently. If you need to improve other areas, like writing or formal grammar, I suggest you find another content, but if you truly want to get  better at speaking, this is your podcast. (END OF THE EXTRAC