Wall Street Unplugged - Your Best Source For Finance, Investing & Economics

Ep. 595: Rational Advice from a Cryptocurrency Trader



On this episode, I welcome first-time guest Nathan Flanders. Nate is an entrepreneur, professional cryptocurrency trader, and leads a crypto-trading Facebook page with 80,000 active monthly members. Nate and I discuss crypto volatility… and why trading cryptocurrencies is more about technical analysis than fundamental analysis. You’ll also hear about the new project Nathan is working on… and his passion to educate new crypto investors. But most importantly... Nathan shares what we should be focused on when trading cryptos (hint: it’s not just what cryptocurrency to buy...). And be sure to stick around for my educational segment (39:00). I explain why—despite what you’re hearing from most talking heads—the market is not expensive… and where you’ll find amazing research you can use for free. Good investing, Frank Curzio