Wall Street Unplugged - Your Best Source For Finance, Investing & Economics

Ep. 599: How I Uncover Great Stock Ideas… Before Everyone Else



Today a good friend returns to us––Marc Lichtenfeld. Marc is Chief Income Strategist at the Oxford Club… Senior Editor of the Oxford Income Letter… an expert on the biotech sector… and an all-around amazing analyst. Marc and I chat about his new book, You Don’t Have to Drive an Uber in Retirement. The book shares money-making ideas for retirement that don’t require working a job you hate. Marc recently attended the JP Morgan Healthcare conference (the Who’s Who of Healthcare conferences). Listen closely as Marc shares some of his favorite picks from the conference… and tells us what to look for before investing in a biotech stock. You’ll also hear some of Mark’s favorite income stock ideas. Then, in my educational segment [42:42], I share two of my favorite tools for finding little-known investment ideas. The best part is... anyone can use them. Good investing, Frank Curzio