My Gospel Soul Radio

Busting Loose in Faith Ministry with Apostle and Prophetess Thibeaux



Apostle, Dudley Thibeaux, Jr. Husband of  Prophetess Lisa Father of 2 Sons, Haniel and Jacob Dudley Thibeaux born November 22, 1952 to John Dudley and Rose Nell Thibeaux . Dudley Thibeaux was converted on the 3rd day of August in 1980 at St. Mark Baptist Church in Lafayette, La where the Pastor is Rev. Lewis.  He was introduced to Christ during his time in the military, but chose to do it his way. After returning to Louisiana he met Rev. Lewis and was led back to Christ. He then committed his time to acquiring a deeper relationship with Christ attending St. Mark Baptist for the next 2 years.  Dudley Thibeaux went on to join Spirit of Liberty Christian Fellowship under the Leadership of Bishop Larry Lloyd. During his time there he became the first Deacon of this ministry. Answering the call he preached his first Sermon November 1983 entitled "If You Can, God Can" at St. Mark baptist Church.  Apostle Dudley Thibeaux has been in ministry for 34 years, while preaching for 32. During these year he has been