

Your passion will drive you. "You are the creator of your reality." -Nick Onken The Cheat Sheet: Nick shares how to find your why. Is there a formula to creating your vision? Why no idea is actually new, and why that's okay. Being successful all comes down to what? What's been the trigger for the biggest growth in his career? And so much more... Getting paid to do what you love is something all of us have dreamed of at some point in our lives. But why do some achieve that goal and others don't? And why do some artists have phenomenal careers and others never really take off? Nick Onken joins the show to share his thoughts and experiences on those very subjects. Nick is a world-renowned photographer who works with people like Jessica Alba and Usher. He shares the lessons he's learned about turning passion into profit on this episode of The Art of Charm. More About This Show: If you're passionate about something and want to create a business and an income from it would you be willing to invest 5 or 6 years to