

If something can be learned, it is a skill. If it's innate, it's a talent. The reality: most so-called talents are skills in disguise, so stop making excuses that you're not talented enough to do things and skill up! Welcome to Minisode Monday, where we kick off the week with something quick and actionable -- to make you more magnetic and effective -- that you can implement right away. Let's get to it! The Cheat Sheet: The concept of "talent" is overrated. If something can be learned, it is a skill. If it's innate, it's a talent. A lot of so-called talents are really skills in disguise. If even one person can learn something through study, coaching, and effort, it's learnable -- therefore, a skill. Next time you put off an activity because you think you're not "talented" enough, try to determine if you're just using it as an excuse. Maybe you avoid shooting hoops with your coworkers on lunch break because you think they're all so much more talented than you. While it might be true that you suck at basketball