

Company culture might conjure silly images of bag chairs and free lunch to some, but company culture is much more than hip amenities and it can break an organization if it’s dysfunctional - so what is a dysfunctional company culture, how do you risk losing your best talent unless you improve it, and is any company too big or too old to change its ways? What to Listen For What two areas of business do you need in order to successfully run a business? What are the 5 dysfunctions of management and what can you do to overcome them to build a world-class company culture people want to work with? Why is a willingness to be vulnerable and admit when you don’t know something important to developing a healthy company culture? Is conflict avoidance a good or bad thing in the workplace, and how should you approach disagreements and potential arguments? What does it mean to be trustworthy in a business environment and how can you identify someone who isn’t trustworthy before their failure becomes your failure? Wh