

In today’s episode, we cover low value behavior with AJ and Johnny. We all exhibit low value behavior that can push people away from us, so what are low value behaviors, what makes us exhibit low value behavior, and what can you do to stop these low value behaviors from destroying friendships and relationships? What to Listen For Introduction – 0:00 What are low value behaviors, how do they push people away from us, and how can you notice them so you stop exhibiting them? Why do low value behaviors make it difficult to create lasting friendships and relationships? Why do we need attention, approval, and acceptance? – 14:20  What do we need from other humans to feel safe and why does every human need it? How does your childhood shape the way you seek out value in the world and what can you do if your childhood influenced you to exhibit a lot of low value behaviors? How to Identify Low Value Behaviors – 24:27  What is the difference between a high value person and a low value person? What is supplicati