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The Psychology of Decision-Making: Conquering Cognitive Biases for Better Results



Right now, we’d like to thank the sponsor of this episode: LifeMD. Looking to lose weight and improve your health? Embrace your journey towards a healthier and happier you, and achieve lasting sustainable weight loss with LifeMD by your side. Visit to get started! In today’s episode, we tackle decision making with some of the world’s experts on the topic. First, Annie Duke, a former professional poker player now a coach and author of Quit, The Power of Knowing When to Walk Away. Next, David Siegel, CEO of and author of Decide and Conquer, shares his expertise on leadership decision-making. Dan Ariely, a Duke University professor and renowned author, who delves into overcoming indecision and regret. Finally, former intelligence officer and author Shane Parrish talks about his book Clear Thinking: Turning Extraordinary Moments Into Extraordinary Results. From the influence of regret on our choices to the impact of blind spots on decision patterns, our guests offer practical strate