Emerging Markets Report
  • Di Paulo Vicente Alves
  • Editore: AVEC Editora

This report is divided into three chapters: a discussion of what constitutes an emerging market and their classification, an analysis of the BRIMCs nations in geographical and...

Belladonna (english)
  • Di Ana Recalde
  • Editore: AVEC Editora

The story takes place in two worlds: the real one and also a world of nightmares. In this nightmarish world Samantha is constantly persecuted by spirits who torment her and...

Tunico The Toucan In The Amazon Rainforest
  • Di Ana Orsi
  • Editore: AVEC Editora

Tunico the Toucan decides to leave the forest and know the entire Amazon region. Travel with him and get to know the party of Parintins, Manaus, the meeting of the Amazon River...