Creacionist Biology: Biology
  • Di de Cristo Escriba
  • Editore: Bibliomundi

I present to my readers another book that talks about the wonders of God in nature. Observing living beings and the laws of physics as well as the chemical elements I can say with...

The Dress In The Early Church
  • Di de Cristo Escriba
  • Editore: Bibliomundi

This book is about the truth of Tertullian of Carthage, the great theologian of the early church, my part may also be to comment on this masterpiece left for posterity. This book...

Diary Christopher Columbus
  • Di de Cristo Escriba
  • Editore: Bibliomundi

In appoint this work naming Christopher Columbus as the hero of humanity, I do not mean to beatify or canonize him. He did not use fair methods at all, nor was he honest at all,...