The Partners’ duty is simple: live together and raise the Belgrame children, Paidis, under the watchful eye of LeXuS. But when Ild and Legassov find themselves entangled in...
Lexus: Don, The Operators - Erotic Dystopia
Don is an experienced and esteemed Operator. His two Workers know how to satisfy his every need. But when a new Worker turns up at his door, he abandons the rulebook and finds...
Christmas Eve At Hyde Mansion – Erotic Short Story
"I was dying to be entered, I, who had never known the rod of a man, I who had been so proud of my virginity."On Christmas Eve, 1907, Jane leaves London to join her fiancé in the...
Lexus: Theodora, The Workers - Erotic Dystopia
Like all 18-year olds, Theodora is waiting anxiously to be assigned her role and given her identity. She dreams of becoming a Worker, of joining the elite and discovering a life...