Il Tartufo
  • Di Moliere
  • Editore: Fermento

Opera di Molière portata in scena per la prima volta nel 1664, presenta i tratti distintivi tipici delle farse di uno dei più brillanti commediografi nella storia...

  • Di Moliere
  • Editore: Fermento

Attento studioso della componente psicologica e sociale dell'uomo, Molière in questa commedia sfrutta la propria esperienza non soltanto di autore teatrale, ma anche di...

Il Malato Immaginario
  • Di Moliere
  • Editore: Fermento

Una delle opere più celebri nella storia della commedia francese, questo lavoro di Molière, l'ultimo nella carriera del grande commediografo, presenta ampi cenni...

  • Di Moliere
  • Editore: Interactive Media

After his wedding night with beautiful Alcmene, Amphitryon leaves to participate in a war. Jupiter, who is fascinated by Alcmene's beauty, come to earth under the appearance of...

Tartuffe: The Hypocrite
  • Di Moliere
  • Editore: Interactive Media

Orgon's family is up in arms because Orgon and his mother have fallen under the influence of Tartuffe, a pious fraud (and a vagrant prior to Orgon's help). Tartuffe pretends to be...

  • Di Moliere
  • Editore: Interactive Media

Psyche's jealous sisters attempt to attract the attention of her two most recent suitors, without success. Psyche refuses both suitors before being called away by a messenger. The...

The Misanthrope
  • Di Moliere
  • Durata: 2:14:46
  • Narratore: Geoffrey Giuliano and The Icon Players
  • Editore: Author's Republic

Alceste, the misanthrope, hates everyone including himself. But unlike in many pure farces with their cliche stock characters, the characters here are much more well-rounded, and...

The Bourgeois Gentleman
  • Di Moliere
  • Editore: Interactive Media

The play takes place at Mr. Jourdain's house in Paris. Jourdain is a middle-aged 'bourgeois' whose father grew rich as a cloth merchant. The foolish Jourdain now has one aim in...

The Magnificent Lovers
  • Di Moliere
  • Editore: Interactive Media

The King, who will have nothing but what is magnificent in all he undertakes, wished to give his court an entertainment which should comprise all that the stage can furnish. To...

Monsieur De Pourceaugnac
  • Di Moliere
  • Editore: Interactive Media

Molière excels in farce as well as in higher comedy, and 'Monsieur de Pourceaugnac' is one of the best of its kind. The attacks upon the doctors of the time are not exaggerated....

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