Tabuatã 1 - The New World
  • Di Lanfredi Washington Luis
  • Editore: Bibliomundi

This story happens in a world of fiction, fantasy and adventure, where every child has or has felt like going someday. Isabela and her cousins invite everyone to travel on this...

2012 : The Year's End
  • Di Lanfredi Washington Luis
  • Editore: Bibliomundi

When the end is near, there is always hope. The author Washington Luis Lanfredi presents in 'Madness of the end of the world

Tabuatã Part 2: Planet Earth
  • Di Lanfredi Washington Luis
  • Editore: Bibliomundi

This story takes place five years after Isabela and her friends' first adventure in Tabuatã.Tabuatã is a world of fiction, fantasy and a lot of adventure, where every child...