Thus Spoke Zarathustra: A Book for All and None (also translated as Thus Spake Zarathustra) is a philosophical novel by German philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche, composed in four...
L'eterno ritorno, la morte di Dio, l'Oltreuomo. Sono i temi che qui Nietzsche sviluppa e porta al più altro grado di consapevolezza. Zarathustra, dopo dieci anni di...
Opera inaugurale della cosiddetta filosofia del meriggio di Nietzsche, si distingue anche per lo stile letterario: né saggio, né trattato, né raccolta di...
Così parlò Zarathustra è uno dei capisaldi della filosofia occidentale. Già l'enigmatico sottotitolo, Un libro per tutti e per nessuno, ci...
In this, his first book, Nietzsche developed a way of thinking about the arts that unites the Greek gods Apollo and Dionysus as the central symbol of human existence. Although...
Nietzsche criticizes German culture of the day as unsophisticated, decadent and nihilistic, and shoots some disapproving arrows at key French, British, and Italian cultural...
What I am now going to relate is the history of the next two centuries. I shall describe what will happen, what must necessarily happen: the triumph of Nihilism. This history can...
The book is a critique of Richard Wagner and the announcement of Nietzsche's rupture with the German artist, who had involved himself too much, in Nietzsche's eyes, in the...
We are unknown, we knowers, ourselves to ourselves: this has its own good reason. We have never searched for ourselves—how should it then come to pass, that we should ever find...
Beyond Good and Evil: Prelude to a Philosophy of the Future is a book by philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche, first published in 1886. It draws on and expands the ideas of his...