I Racconti Delle Fate
  • Di Charles Perrault
  • Editore: Etext

In questo volume sono raccolte tra le più belle fiabe composte da scrittori francesi del Seicento e del Settecento. La letteratura dell’ultimo periodo del regno di...

Perrault Tutte Le Fiabe
  • Di Charles Perrault
  • Editore: Fermento

In questa raccolta presentiamo le più belle e famose fiabe di Charles Perrault accompagnate da belle illustrazioni. Tutti i racconti, ripresi dalla tradizione popolare,...

I Racconti Delle Fate
  • Di Charles Perrault
  • Editore: KKIEN Publ. Int.

Alcune tra le più belle fiabe mai scritte sono raccolte in questo ebook e sono opera di Charles Perrault. Il gatto con gli stivali, Cenerentola, Cappuccetto rosso,...

  • Di Charles Perrault
  • Editore: REA Multimedia

La fama letteraria di Charles Perrault (1628-1703) si deve ai più belli e famosi esempi di letteratura infantile come La bella addormentata nel bosco, Cappuccetto rosso, Il gatto...

Beauty And The Beast And Other Tales
  • Di Charles Perrault
  • Editore: Interactive Media

There was once a merchant, who was very, very rich. He had six children, three boys and three girls, and as he was a man of good sense, he spared no expense in order that they...

Beauty And The Beast
  • Di Charles Perrault
  • Durata: 0:38:45
  • Narratore: Josh Verbae
  • Editore: Interactive Media

There was once a merchant, who was very, very rich. He had six children, three boys and three girls, and as he was a man of good sense, he spared no expense in order that they...

Little Thumb
  • Di Charles Perrault
  • Durata: 0:22:20
  • Narratore: Josh Verbae
  • Editore: Interactive Media

Once upon a time there was a woodcutter and his wife, who had seven children, all boys. The eldest was but ten years old, and the youngest only seven.They were very poor, and...

Puss In Boots
  • Di Charles Perrault
  • Durata: 0:10:45
  • Narratore: Josh Verbae
  • Editore: Interactive Media

Once upon a time there was a miller who left no more riches to the three sons he had than his mill, his ass, and his cat. The division was soon made. Neither the lawyer nor the...

Little Red Riding-hood
  • Di Charles Perrault
  • Durata: 0:05:14
  • Narratore: Josh Verbae
  • Editore: Interactive Media

Once upon a time there lived in a certain village a little country girl, the prettiest creature that ever was seen. Her mother was very fond of her, and her grandmother loved her...

Fairy Tales
  • Di Charles Perrault
  • Editore: SAGA Egmont

Charles Perrault’s world of "Fairy Tales" will transport you to another time. You will find yourself in a mystical universe in which brave princes save princesses, wolves lurk...

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