The “Young Boy Named David” series is designed to help young people deal with difficult situations that are hard to talk about and adults reconnect to their disconnected...
Zen in the Art of Writing: Discover the Essential Lessons You Need to Learn When Writing Your First Book. Writing a book about what you know in business or career path is a known...
Freelance Writing Business: Discover Smart and Useful Tips on How to Start and Earn Big From Your Own Freelance Writing BusinessFreelance writing is a great option if you are...
My goal in this book is to show the different types of UFOs reported throughout history and today.I’m not trying to prove whether these ships are real or not. I just thought...
The Nature Fix Bundle, 2 in 1 Bundle: Nature’s Best Hope and Speed and ScaleReports on global warming and climate change seem to be everywhere and people are starting to get...
William Shakespeare, long hailed as the history's greatest dramatic writer, has been lauded for his mastery of poetic expression, his insight into the human condition and his deep...
The “Young Boy Named David” series is designed to help young people deal with difficult situations that are hard to talk about and adults reconnect to their disconnected...
When the British Government turn down a revolutionary weapons system in favour of the new Euro fighter they don't realise the wrath their decision will cause. The only radar...
"Refreshingly candid . . . Get off Instagram and read this book."—Sacha Baron Cohen From the dynamic head of ADL, an impassioned argument about the...
Not all hurry leads to hastiness. Not all slowness is synonymous with tardiness. Because of all the hustle and bustle, sometimes we pass through life without even looking it in...