Colloqui Silenziosi Con Il Signore
  • Di Eva Bell-Werber
  • Editore: Gesù La Nuova Rivelazione

Testi per la meditazione. Una volta entrati in stretta unione con Dio, si possono ricevere tutti gli insegnamenti di cui si ha bisogno. Allora questi colloqui con il Signore...

How To Learn The Bible The Best Way To Study The Bible
  • Di Simon Kennard
  • Editore: Simon Kennard

Bible is most bought book of all times. However, it is the most under utilized book as well. The challenge is there for everyone who buys as to how to read it and learn from it...

The Old Testament 7 - Judges
  • Di Christopher Glyn
  • Durata: 1:55:39
  • Narratore: Christopher Glyn
  • Editore: SAGA Egmont

After Joshua’s death, the tribes of Israel continue their conquest of the southern regions of Canaan, but they are unable to cleanse the land thoroughly of its native...

The Old Testament 21 - Ecclesiates
  • Di Christopher Glyn
  • Durata: 0:44:36
  • Narratore: Christopher Glyn
  • Editore: SAGA Egmont

The book of Ecclesiastes contains Proverbs, maxims, sayings, and is largely an autobiographical story. Solomon wrote it late in his life, approximately 935 B.C. He had become...

The Old Testament 33 - Micah
  • Di Christopher Glyn
  • Durata: 0:19:54
  • Narratore: Christopher Glyn
  • Editore: SAGA Egmont

The book of Micah is a Prophetic Oracle. The prophet Micah wrote it 742-686 B.C. shortly before the Northern Kingdom’s fall in 722 B.C. Key personalities are all the people of...

The Old Testament 38 - Zechariah
  • Di Christopher Glyn
  • Durata: 0:40:34
  • Narratore: Christopher Glyn
  • Editore: SAGA Egmont

The book of Zechariah is Narrative History, Prophetic and Apocalyptic in genre. It is a post-exilic book, meaning it was written after (post) the return from captivity (exile) in...

The Old Testament 17 - Esther
  • Di Christopher Glyn
  • Durata: 0:34:29
  • Narratore: Christopher Glyn
  • Editore: SAGA Egmont

The genre of the book of Esther is Narrative History. Its author is anonymous however; some believe Mordecai, (Esther’s cousin and guardian), wrote it. It was written...

The Old Testament 36 - Zephaniah
  • Di Christopher Glyn
  • Durata: 0:10:28
  • Narratore: Christopher Glyn
  • Editore: SAGA Egmont

The small book of Zephaniah is Narrative History and Prophetic Oracle. Zephaniah wrote it circa 630 B.C. very soon before the fall of Judah in the Southern Kingdom. The purpose of...

The Old Testament 12 - Kings 2
  • Di Christopher Glyn
  • Durata: 2:22:06
  • Narratore: Christopher Glyn
  • Editore: SAGA Egmont

The narrator continues the chronological account of Israel and Judah’s kings. Each of Israel’s kings is more evil than the previous, and Northern Israel gradually loses its...

The Old Testament 9 - Samuel 1
  • Di Christopher Glyn
  • Durata: 2:39:09
  • Narratore: Christopher Glyn
  • Editore: SAGA Egmont

Israel’s next judge, Samuel, is born to Hannah, a previously barren woman. Hannah gives Samuel to Israel’s chief priest, Eli, to be raised as a Nazirite. The priesthood in...

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