Your mix of Health, Comedy, Motivation, Fitness and MORE, all in one show with your host Steve Perez AKA The Black Mamba!
How to go about training during quarantine having little to no equipment
07/04/2020 Durata: 20minIn this episode I share how you can stay active during these difficult times of having no gym, minimal to no equipment, and zero motivation.
6 Steps to Get Back to exercising or to Start!
04/11/2019 Durata: 24minIn this episode I give you guys 6 steps to get you started on getting to exercise or getting back into it after you’ve been MIA for weeks to months or even years! Questions answered on this episode! 1.) How do I target belly fat? 2.) What is the best diet to lose weight?
Strength and Conditioning Coach vs Personal Trainer with Steve Christopher
28/10/2019 Durata: 25minIn this episode Steve Science AKA the Brofessor! Beacons very own head Strength and Conditioning Coach breaks down the difference between a Personal Trainer and Strength and Conditioning coach, from Pay, accreditation, and what it takes to succeed in both! Steve’s Instagram: @stevescience
Steve Science! Anabolics, Genetics, Workout Modalities, and more with Steve.
23/07/2019 Durata: 41minIn this episode I interview Beacons Sports Performance Coordinator and we go over multiple topics, a topic for everyone, SCIENCE!! Steve’s instagram handle is @stevescience
How to go about Cutting! My tips and advise for those wanting to get shredded this summer!
12/06/2019 Durata: 37minIn this episode I discuss the very first time I did a cut about 3-4 years ago and how my plan of action is completely different this time around. I give a few tips on what I think it takes to be successful in a cut! However there’s a lot more then what is just said here.
Being Thankful
15/05/2019 Durata: 14minIn this episode I just vent about the things that I’m currently thankful for and appreciative about. There’s lots of things and people we take for granted so this is just a reminder to take the time to think about/write down what you’re thankful for and to tell the people you love that you’re thankful for them
ARTIFICIAL BLUE LIGHT. It’s not so pretty.
05/05/2019 Durata: 24minIn this episode I discuss what Blue light is and how it is hindering our health every day. I discuss it’s forms, the way it’s damaging health and hacks as to how you can limit your exposure to blue light. All information in this episode has been found in multiple studies and researchers papers as well as from Harvard studies. ——> blue light blocking glasses Knowledge and Mileage Podcast - Kris Gethin (Has an episode that goes deep into the blue light topic)
Living in the now, Olympic lifting, Preparing for a Marathon, and Alcohol with Elizabeth Pooler!
09/04/2019 Durata: 01h05minIn this episode my friend Libby and I talk about how she went from your typical workouts to a complete switch to Olympic style lifting! We talk about how she is also preparing for the Chicago Marathon in October and we go in deep about how you should live in the now and not constantly be treating life like a to do list and not enjoying the present moment. We also talk about alcohol Instagram : @libbypooler
Isaac Huerta! Meditation, workout while traveling, plant based diet
02/04/2019 Durata: 37minIn this episode we talk about Isaacs Lifestyle, what he eats, how he trains while traveling, meditation, and more! Instagram : @isaachvega
Supplements! Different kinds, ingredients, purposes and MORE
27/03/2019 Durata: 40minIn this episode I go in depth on what supplements are, their forms, the different kinds that I’ve tried, ones I currently use and the main ingredients of some. Also what to look for when selecting supplements when it comes to getting the best, most beneficial for you and your money. I also go over what to avoid in supplements in regards of ingredients and dosages. Kaged Muscle discount code: APPLY25
How to use a cheat meal to your advantage! - Thursday Thoughts
21/03/2019 Durata: 09minCHEAT MEALS! In this episode I talk about how I go about incorporating cheat meals in my diet whether cutting or bulking!
California Adventures!
12/03/2019 Durata: 57minIn this episode Kaitlyn and I talk about our trip to California!
Don’t Be Afraid Of The Criticism
07/03/2019 Durata: 08minTHURSDAY THOUGHTS!! Every Thursday I will do a short 1-10min podcast about something I want to rant, vent, or speak about. In this episode I speak about not letting the criticism of others stop you from doing what you love. Enjoy! Comment, like and subscribe!
Hating your body, Motivation, Discipline, Willpower, And Soccer with Lorenzo Martinez
25/02/2019 Durata: 43minIn this episode we discuss the three elements of success (Motivation, Willpower, and Discipline) and talk about how we both hated our bodies from the beginning of our fitness journeys and what we did to change. And also discussed high school soccer and how that was also a trigger to going into the fitness life.
Episode 1 • Knurling, Competing, and Gym Life with CEO of Knurling Tyler Miller
24/02/2019 Durata: 28minIn this very first episode of the podcast I bring in my good friend Tyler Miller to talk about his life as a company owner, (CEO of Knurling), a physique competitor, and his overall life in the gym and why he started his fitness journey. Follow him on Instagram @tylermiller82 and follow me @donblackmamba12 and follow Knurling @knurlingllc