Welcome to the Fit For Freedom Podcast With Morgan Kate. This podcast is for women looking to change the way they see fitness. To push pass the societal expectations of the fitness industry and pursue a happy body, mind and soul set by their own expectations. To break the chains of defeat and find fun in fitness and food. We discuss all things fitness, lifestyle and mindset. Together we are on a pursuit to reveal a life that is Fit For Freedom.
Belly Fat- Is It The Hardest To Lose?
18/11/2019 Durata: 07minIn today's episode I answer why belly fat can feel so stubborn to lose. You can keep the conversation going by meeting up with me in our FREE and private Facebook Group @HamiltonFemaleFitness
Fat Vs. Muscle
11/11/2019 Durata: 05minToday I break the myth between fat versus muscle. Come tune in and tag me on Instagram with your favourite take home. Connect on social @MorganKateFitness
Exercising Vs. Training
04/11/2019 Durata: 08minToday I chat about the clear difference between exercising and training. Yes, there is a difference and one provides a much more sustainable approach to achieving your results. You can also learn more about my training philosophy by joining our facebook Group @ Hamilton Female Fitness
Your Mess Is Your Message
28/10/2019 Durata: 07minIn today's episode I chat how our pain can be the root of our passion. Tune in and share your take home's by tagging me in your instagram stories @MorganKateFitness You can also join myself and community for a sweat at my studio location. To learn more about the program. Follow this link to book a time to chat:
Is It Time For New Friends?
21/10/2019 Durata: 10minThis episode talks about friendship. Checking in that your current friendship honour the bad ass you are. Also, how to step out in adult life and make new ones. I share my experience with dropping the dried out friendships and how to cultivate new ones. Keep the conversations going. Find me on Instagram:@Morgankatefitness Meet other women just like you. Join my FB community: Hamilton Female Fitness Train with me:
Get Your Sh*t Together
14/10/2019 Durata: 05minToday's episode was requested by the community. A motivation piece for when you are feeling low. When you need a little push and reminder that you have everything you already need to crush your days. Just got to be looking in the right places. Drop a review and share your take home on Instagram: @MorganKateFitness Join My Community on Facebook: Hamilton Female Fitness Train With Me:
Blame The Brain For Over Eating
07/10/2019 Durata: 12minIn today's episode I try and help you understand how the body and brain responds to hunger. How the brain plays a big role in controlling our urges and how it is easily tricked and can sometimes be responsible for over eating. The more we understand the body and how it works. The more freedom we have in living in these bodies of ours! Drop a review and share your take home on Instagram: @MorganKateFitness Article Resource:
Orgasmic Living With Katrina Marie
30/09/2019 Durata: 32minKatrina Marie is an international sexual empowerment coach. She works with women from all over the globe to recreate their most foundational relationship: the one with themselves. She is a crusader of self love and self seduction. Helping people just like you shed sexual shame and pleasure anxiety. It is her absolute joy to witness clients connect to their deep desires and reclaim their erotic powers. Learn more @ Get social: @MyOrgasmicLife
I Am Not A Fitpro Against Fat Loss
23/09/2019 Durata: 19minIn today's episode I share my stance as a Fitness Professional who works with only women and where I land with fat loss related goals. It would be untruthful if I didn't highlight that 80% of my clients who come to me. Come because their goal is to lose "weight" I share how I help women reframe their goals, not change them. I share how fat loss and healthy looks different for everyone and how there is a place in the fitness industry to safely and positively support women on their fat loss journey.
Ask Questions When It Comes To Your Money
16/09/2019 Durata: 27minToday I chat with Financial Security Advisor & Investment Representative Maria Campanella . In her practice, she finds that some women shy away from being involved in the household finances whether they avoid it all together or let someone else take the lead. She would love to encourage women to ask questions when something is unclear and find a financial advisor that they feel comfortable with.
Empowerment & Body Confidence Through Movemewnt
02/09/2019 Durata: 42minIn today's episode I sit down with Sara-Clare.Sarais the Technical Director for Agatsu Joint Mobility & Movement Program. She has been a fitness professional since 2003. Her passion for physical fitness began at a young age through dance and continued on throughout her university years as a teacher’s assistant in movement for theatre arts. There she studied Voice, Dance, Alexander Technique, Pilates, Yoga, Feldenkrais and Contact Improv. Since graduating with a BFA in Acting & Performance, Sara toured the world as a professional performer for 12 years before settling in Toronto, ON.
Ditch The Little Black Dress
26/08/2019 Durata: 19minDo you have that little black dress in the closet. The one you dream of fitting back into one day! Today I chat about how this can hurt your worth and slow you down from getting to where you want to be. Let's keep the conversation going. Connect with me on Instagram @MorganKateFitness. Share your take homes from today's episode by sharing in your stories the part that stood out the most to you.
Let's Talk About Weighing IN
19/08/2019 Durata: 19minIn today's episode I talk about how using a scale doesn't measure much more then your gravitational pull to the earth. How weighing in can actually rob you of joy, hinder your progress and throw you into a repeat cycle of self sabotage. I touch on other method's that are far more measurable when it comes to measuring your progress and celebrating success in your fitness journey. Let's talk more on Instagram @morgankatefitness Share your take home in your stories and let me know what was of value to you from this episode.
Silence Your Inner Mean Girl
12/08/2019 Durata: 19minIn today's episode I chat about how to Silence That Inner Mean Girl. We all have one, that bully in our mind, the one who tries to bring us down when we are feeling really up. Today I discuss how to regain your positive head space when blind sided by this inner mean girl who tries to grab your attention. How you can stand up to her and stick to your inner bad ass. Connect with my on Instagram by sharing your take homes from today's episode by tagging me @morgankatefitness While you are here, please leave your review on of the Podcast to help us turn up more for people who may need to hear this message.
Show Me The Money
05/08/2019 Durata: 26minShow me the money. Today we explore expert tips on how to save for future and how to enjoy life TODAY! Tune in while I chat with Carla Ricci, Manager, Community Development of Tandia. My favourite tips is the one she shares about your debit card! Let me know your favourite tip by taking a screen shot and tagging me with your favourite take homes. Connect with my guests!!!! More questions? Reach our to Carla on Instagram @_carla_ricci Stay up to date with more financial tips with Tandia by following @tandiafinancialcreditunion Please leave a review and share your take homes by connecting with me on Insta @morgankatefitness
Cardio For Fat Loss?
29/07/2019 Durata: 20minToday I talk about cardio. Is it really the best method for fat loss? Cardio junkies, you won't want to miss this episode.
The Anti Diet Movement
22/07/2019 Durata: 26minThis episode I talk about the super trendy and viral social media movement called Anti Diet. Tune in to hear more.
Meal Prep Simplified For Busy People
15/07/2019 Durata: 23minJenn Potter sits with me today and we talk about Meal Prepping AND how to simplify it for the busy life you live. After school and when she hit the real world health somehow became complicated and overwhelming. After experiencing and witnessing the struggle of work-life balance when it came to meal prepping and eating healthy, she committed herself to her work as a full-time Registered Holistic Nutritionist. Connect with Jenn by visiting her website.
Women and Weight Training
08/07/2019 Durata: 11minToday I chat about using weights in your training. I stand strongly in the belief that all women should be using weight and resistance base training as their foundation to their fitness. I share why I take this stance. How weights are more efficient when producing results. A more strategic method for fat loss. Finally, how weights are more adaptive program when time is limited to train. I have been lifting weights my entire fitness journey. I program them into all my clients workouts. I have converted many cardio junkies and can say. Once they start lifting they never go back. Stuck on how to work weights into your routine. Let me help. Follow me on Instagram @MorganKateFitness and send me a DM. Local to Hamilton? Come in for a Free Workout.
Your Metabolism Isn't Broken
01/07/2019 Durata: 24minIn today's episode I chat and debunk the belief that your metabolism is slow or broken. I dive into the over simplified excuses like hormones or the idea of "starvation mode". How these excuses are believed to be effecting your fat loss or weight gain. If you are frustrated with your progress and you can't figure out why. Tune in today and see if maybe YOU need to make some small adaptations to keep the results coming. Chances are it isn't your "slow metabolism".