The Plant Based Diet Cookbook For Beginners : 100 Tasty And Delicious Healthy Whole Foods With 21-day Meal Prep Guide

  • Autore: Suzanne Fluharty
  • Editore: StreetLib
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A Plant Based diet, is simply a type of diet that is focused on food that comes from plants, this means that on a Plant Based diet, food such as vegetables, seeds, nuts, legumes, whole grains, beans and fruits will be the major food ingredients. A Plant Based diet that is based on natural, minimally-processed plant has a very high content of fiber and phytonutrients present in it that will help you to meet your nutritional needs, this will provide you with all the required fats, protein, vitamins, minerals and carbohydrates for optimal health.

The Plant Based diet has remained the top diet recommendations for leading health practitioners because of it numerous health benefit such as an effective weight loss mechanism, reduction of blood sugar, prevention of type 2 diabetes, inflammatory diseases, heart disease and reversal of cognitive deficits.

This Plant Based diet cookbook is a comprehensive informative resource on Plant Based diet for both a beginner and an expert in search of new, exciting and tasty recipes to add to your table. With a 21-day meal preparation guide, this Plant Based diet cookbook provides you a Hundred easy to make and healthy delicious recipes, systematically written for easy understanding and sub-categorized into different chapters such as: breakfast, lunch, dinner, salad, soup, noodles and pasta recipes.