In the compelling sequel to Blackbird, Anna Carey delivers a gritty and adrenaline-filled story of a girl desperate to escape her mysterious and terrifying assailants. Told in second person, this heart-pounding thriller puts the reader in front of the target, and is perfect for fans of The Maze Runner and Legend.
A week ago, you woke up in Los Angeles with no memory of who you are. The only thing you knew: people are trying to kill you. You put your trust in Ben, but he betrayed you and broke your heart. Now you've escaped to New York City with a boy named Rafe, who says he remembers you from before. But the two of you are not safe. The same people who are after you are tailing Rafe as well. As the chase heats up, your memory starts to return, but your past cannot save you from the terrifying circumstances of your present, or from the fact that one wrong move could end this game forever.
001 - Deadfall
Durata: 28s -
002 - Chapter 01
Durata: 13min -
003 - Chapter 02
Durata: 06min -
004 - Chapter 03
Durata: 10min -
005 - Chapter 04
Durata: 07min -
006 - Chapter 05
Durata: 04min -
007 - Chapter 06
Durata: 04min -
008 - Chapter 07
Durata: 06min -
009 - Chapter 08
Durata: 07min -
010 - Chapter 09
Durata: 05min -
011 - Chapter 10
Durata: 01min -
012 - Chapter 11
Durata: 05min -
013 - Chapter 12
Durata: 07min -
014 - Chapter 13
Durata: 05min -
015 - Chapter 14
Durata: 07min -
016 - Chapter 15
Durata: 08min -
017 - Chapter 16
Durata: 03min -
018 - Chapter 17
Durata: 08min -
019 - Chapter 18
Durata: 06min -
020 - Chapter 19
Durata: 04min