Vault Boys Wv: A Fallout 76 Podcast

  • Autore: Vários
  • Narratore: Vários
  • Editore: Podcast
  • Durata: 20:15:32
  • Altre informazioni



A Fallout 76 centric podcast from West Virginia's own Dave Chaffins and Austin O'Connor out of the capitol city of Charleston WV. Come join us as we discuss the shocking similarities between the world of Appalachia and the real life inspirations. Stay for the weird business ideas, odd pronunciations, and the uneasy alliance that is their friendship.


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  • A Giant Horse Named BIG JAKE

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  • Dave Direct 2021 a Fake E3 Conference for Austin

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  • Cicada Taco Party

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  • New Diet Australia!

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  • Big Lady on VHS

    20/05/2021 Durata: 59min

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  • Every Austin O'Connor Urges Good Behavior at the Pump

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  • Minor League Thieving and Zoning for Space Towers

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  • A Kiss of Croissant For Your Local Raptor

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    Austin goes foraging while Dave brings the news! A hot steamy creature in a tree threatens Poland. A raptor goes loose in Florida. There's a full on WORMNADO! Links to the show!

  • Tiny Godzilla Could Exist...

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    Could Godzilla exist? I mean probably not right? RIGHT? but what about the bottom of the ocean. There's some weird stuff down there ya know. Not for me. I'm a surface dweller. I'm not aqua-man talking to animals and goofin' around with William Dafoe. Links to the show!

  • Q-tips for Moving The Dead

    01/04/2021 Durata: 01h09min

    Austin loses a toe nail! Dave uses a Q-tip! How did people move dead people and whats with all this coconut carcass?? Strangeness is afoot on this week's episode! Links to the show!

  • Chromes Domes From Back Home (w/ Ken from Chad: a Fallout 76 Podcast)

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  • Nights at Mothmania

    18/03/2021 Durata: 01h20min

    Dave and Austin talk all things mothman in their latest ep. Dave receives a letter from mothman. Austin is afraid of finding chapstick in a drawer and is turning ET into otters!   Timestamps for this week: Hangovers and Old PC Gaming: 00:00:00 Dreaming About Alien Otters 00:13:13 Mothman Mania 00:23:12 What We Are Excited for: 01:01:16 Links to the show!

  • Flying High with Blaseball and Flip Phlones

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  • Killer Horse Statues and Dark Celebrity Diets (with Tory Lanman)

    04/03/2021 Durata: 01h05min

    This week's special guest is Tik Tok and Twitter sensation Tory Lanman. What's really going on at the Denver Airport? Where do they keep Rob Gronkowski? Why is Monster's Inc celebrating cannibalism? and most importantly WTF is going on in RIVERDALE??? Links to the show!

  • The Party Don't Start (Till We Walk In)

    25/02/2021 Durata: 01h37min

    Dave and Austin are back again for the sequel to the greatest podcast to ever hit those ear holes. This week we're introducing some new segments! We have million dollar ideas to share and things to be excited for. Battle royale and building ultra depressing cities. Our venture into tik tok delivers some interesting content

  • Don't Be Fooled By The Rocks!

    19/02/2021 Durata: 01h23min

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