Sacred Rage is an environmentalist podcast that doesn't shy away from difficult dialogue. It is defined by three pillars: warrior, wonder, worship. Who are the people, across the globe, who exemplify these pillars? The podcast is published every three weeks.These are not cover stories about the sickest summit, the cleanest line, the triple crown. These are stories of people who use their gifts, channel their sacred rage in profound, provocative ways that instigate substantial action, who are the leaders next door. The Defenders. ...the entire American West, property of all Americans, home of the wild things, last strong hold of the Ghost Dancers - lies under massive assault by the industrial armies of Government and Greed. We need no more words on the matter. What we need now are heroes. And heroines. One good deed is worth a thousand books. As an old friend of mine once said -If I regret anything it is my good behavior.What demon possessed me that I behaved so well? [Edward Abbey, Beyond the Wall]
Sacred Rage [Episode 18] - Rage Against the Climate Change Machine
27/08/2019 Durata: 48minWhat's at the heart of the climate change crises? How did we get here, and who is to blame? Can we find a united front that addresses social & racial justice alongside environmental justice? tackles these questions head on by getting straight to it - we must stop using fossil fuels. Period.
Sacred Rage [Episode 17] - Seeing the U.S. Forest Service Through the Trees
23/06/2019 Durata: 55minWhat is a National Forest? What does the U.S. Forest Service do and why would anyone ever SUE them?! Take a deep dive into your public lands, and get activated!
Sacred Rage [Episode 16] - Reptiles of the Sky: A Bird's Eye View
07/05/2019 Durata: 57minHow do birds fly? Is it true birds migrate using the stars? Can they count? What special adaptations make it so they don't actually even poop or pee? We dive into the wonders of these magical, mysterious dinosaurs among us.
Sacred Rage [Episode 15] - The Missing Howl of the Wolf
02/04/2019 Durata: 51minWhat do you know about the possibility of a wolf reintroduction program in Colorado? What would it like to live with wolves again? What can we learn from Yellowstone? And - why do people hate and fear wolves so much? Let's demystify some of the myths.
Sacred Rage [Episode 14] - Invisible Lines: America's Border Wall
01/03/2019 Durata: 01h03minWhat if I told you there's a place we can hike in the United States where we'll inevitably come across human remains? The US government is intentionally using the wildlife refuges, national monuments and parks of the US/Mexico border as a tool of genocide. We explore why walls don't work, how they harm wildlife, and what you can do to fight back.
Sacred Rage [Episode 13] - You Can't Save it If You Can't Map It
04/02/2019 Durata: 40minWhat is GIS? How does it play a critical role in conservation work? Let's explore the world of maps!
Sacred Rage [Episode 12] - The Self-Sufficient Solar Switch
13/01/2019 Durata: 54minHow does solar power work? If we switch over, won't we all have inconsistent energy, lose our jobs, and doesn't mining for solar cells have an environmental impact, too?! I mean...fracking is the future, right?? Let's demystify this super (free!) energy from the sun, and dismantle and redistribute the power.
Sacred Rage [Episode 11] - Those Great Old Broads
03/12/2018 Durata: 30minBroadly speaking, American society doesn't place much value on our elders. What place do they have in the outdoor community, in particular? We so often see the face of loving the outdoors as some young dude summiting some sick peak - but behold! There are badass women, some of the grey-haired persuasion, not only fly-fishing, backpacking, and skiing - but defending the hell out of our public lands. AND doing it with an unabashed joy. Listen and be inspired.
Sacred Rage [Episode 10] - Reclaiming Urban Spaces
13/11/2018 Durata: 35minWhen you hear the word 'conservation' - your mind probably goes to a national park, or a huge swath of pristine wilderness. What does conservation look like in a city? What's a safari like when it takes place between buildings? Let's head to Birmingham, United Kingdom - the birthplace of the Industrial Revolution, now a city of 1 million people, and find out.
Sacred Rage [Episode 9] - Untangling the Endangered Species Act
02/10/2018 Durata: 39minWhat is the Endangered Species Act? How does it work? And why are some folks so against it? We'll explore how effective it REALLY is, the myriad aspects of life it touches (air! water! pollution!) and why it truly could be the most important piece of legislation ever created. Featuring national conservation organization - Defenders of Wildlife.
Sacred Rage [Episode 8] - Chasing Coral: An interview
03/09/2018 Durata: 50minIf you watched the award-winning documentary 'Chasing Coral' on Netflix, you might remember the 'coral nerd', Zack Rago - the dedicated diver who not only helped create the technology for the first underwater time-lapse, but ended up doing the dives and documenting coral decline himself! A candid chat with Zack about coral - what is it? How does it reproduce? Why is it all going away?
Sacred Rage [Episode 7] - Jurassic National Park
09/08/2018 Durata: 37minDigging for dinosaurs on public land? Yep - you can do way more than just recreate in our parks, monuments, forests, and BLM - there is a scientific value as well! Rob Gay, who helped write the boundaries of Bears Ears for paleontological purposes, fills us in on what happens during a dino dig, and why anyone should even CARE about digging up dead things.
Sacred Rage [Episode 6] - Our Plastic Planet
06/07/2018 Durata: 48minHow is it possible that the plastic packaging on your Whole Foods salad oppresses someone less fortunate than you? There's plastic in your cabinets, in your shower, in your clothing, in the ocean, in your food, in your body. How can we get make choices, both large and small, that stop the egregious consumption of this petroleum product?
Sacred Rage [Episode 5] - An Environmental Lobbyist in Koch-Land (Kansas)
17/06/2018 Durata: 31minWhat does an environmental lobbyist do? Does wearing a sun costume help the cause? We head to the conservative state of Kansas, where consideration for the environment is sometimes a tough sell to the legislative body, to find out the nuances of this aspect of law.
Sacred Rage [Episode 4] - Tracks in the Sky: A Conversation with the International Dark Sky Association
30/04/2018 Durata: 33minDarkness is becoming a rare feature - most of us see only a fraction of the stars our parents and grandparents saw. How does light pollution affect human health, the migration of birds and countless other species, the ability to do astronomical research?
Sacred Rage [Episode 3] Black Poverty, White Privilege, Blue Crises: Cape Town's Water Apartheid
10/04/2018 Durata: 39minCape Town, South Africa is running out of water - but why? How did this happen? Don't they live next to the ocean where a thing like that can be solved? And - it's 2018 - surely the color of your skin doesn't dictate if you have access to this water...right? right?
Sacred Rage [Episode 2] - Sex, Bugs, and Things That Glow
16/03/2018 Durata: 37minBugs can be pesky, and we spend billions of dollars getting rid of them in our homes, and on our crops - so what purpose do they serve, anyhow? We step into their world - learn the weird things they do to survive, appreciate their mating strategies, and contemplate the taste and texture of a moth's wings.
Sacred Rage [Episode 1] - A Forest Formed from Fish Guts
13/02/2018 Durata: 43minIn Juneau, Alaska, the forest, the ocean, and the animals are so closely connected that marine molecules can be found in the bark of the trees. In this episode, we explore life in a tourist town from the perspective of a local -Ricky Tagaban, a Native Alaskan Tlingit Chillkat weaver, and a descendant of people who have lived here for over 10,000 years. How have fishing, mining, logging, and the effects of the cruise ship industry in the Final Frontier changed the face of Dzanti k'heeni (Juneau) over time?