Uncensored Sales With Ryann Dowdy

Interview - Shawna Beckmann



This might be one of the most fun interviews we’ve done yet on the podcast. Shawna Beckmann is a fellow sales trainer that helps her clients “get paid without being a PITCH…” She’s raw, real, and tells her story of graduating college during an economic downturn and how she became an entrepreneur. Reinvention, a few moves across the county, and 5 kiddos later - Shawna is amazing at what she does!  I know what you’re thinking - WAIT - did you REALLY put someone on your podcast that is a DIRECT competitor?! YESSSS - because she’s brilliant and because it’s all about community over competition. When you listen, you’ll hear that Shawn and I have very different styles and our business are very different. We just happen to share a passion for teaching sales to help women build businesses that make money! Shawna's Bio Shawna is a speaker and sales trainer for business owner who are eager to create a waiting list of happy paying clients. She helps them communicate more effectively without comprising integrity usi