Grammar Girl Quick And Dirty Tips For Better Writing

From 'hwhat' to 'what': Tracing a letter's disappearing act. Barkhouse.



966. We explore the rise and fall of the letter H: Debates over its name ("haitch" or "aitch"?) and why a once-prestigious pronunciation like "hwhat" now seems old-fashioned. The "haitch" segment was written by Kate Burridge, a professor of linguistics at Monash University, and Catherine McBride, a professor of psychology at Chinese University of Hong Kong. It originally appeared on "The Conversation" and appears here through a Creative Commons license.| Transcript:| Share a recording of your familect story with me on Threads, Instagram, or  Mastodon.| Grammarpalooza (Get texts from Mignon!): or text "hello" to (917) 540-0876.| Subscribe to the newsletter for regular updates.| Watch my LinkedIn Learning writing courses.| Peeve Wars card game. | Grammar Girl books. | Please take our advertising survey. It helps!| HOST: Mignon Fogarty| VOICEMAIL: 833-214-GIRL (833-214-4475).| Grammar Gi