Marketing On Tap

  • Autore: Vários
  • Narratore: Vários
  • Editore: Podcast
  • Durata: 13:16:31
  • Altre informazioni



In this popular digital marketing podcast, marketers, authors, and craft beer enthusiasts Sam Fiorella and Danny Brown enjoy a hoppy discussion about all things digital over a cheeky pint or two.Topics on the menu include influence marketing, social media, brand advocacy, and a taste testing of real world digital marketing campaigns (some are smooth, others dont sit so well).Dont forget to stick around for last call, where the boys will serve you up one final marketing takeaway that you can go out and apply in the real world.The Marketing on Tap digital marketing podcast is a great primer before the weekend.


  • Episode 15: Sears Bankruptcy, Online Shopping, and the Death of Traditional Retailers

    18/10/2018 Durata: 22min

    This week saw the news that retail giant Sears had filed for bankruptcy protection, amongst falling sales and rising debt. Their Canadian division closed in January of this year, and it always felt the parent company wouldn't be far behind. Failure to adapt to the changing ways customers preferred to buy - online, mobile research, frictionless shopping - as well as the inability to attract a younger audience seems to have sounded the death knell for this once-unstoppable giant. In this week's episode of Marketing on Tap, we look at how Sears is just the latest in a long line of major retailers to fall to the online onslaught of Amazon and others, and ask what retailers need to do to stay relevant and profitable. Settle back and enjoy this week’s topic, brought to you in the usual unscripted manner that you’ve come to expect when Sam and Danny take the mic. Read the transcript (

  • Episode 14: Airlines from Hell, Customer Experience, and Employee Influencers

    11/10/2018 Durata: 21min

    Week after week, it seems we're bombarded with poor customer experience examples when it comes to airline companies. From dragging passengers off planes to charging to change the flight of a family whose 3 year old son's appendix burst, the horror stories are endless. But do these stories make any difference? With flights cheaper than ever, and companies charging for everything under the sun, are we encouraging bad behaviour due to apathy when it comes to spending our money elsewhere? In this week's episode of Marketing on Tap, we look at how airline companies take various approaches to not only their customers, but employees, and ask if we've passed the point of no return for airlines and the customer experience. Settle back and enjoy this week’s topic, brought to you in the usual unscripted manner that you’ve come to expect when Sam and Danny take the mic. Read the transcript (

  • Episode 13: Girl Beer, Body Shaming Tees, and Other Marketing Fails

    04/10/2018 Durata: 24min

    When brands want to stand apart from the competition, they often turn to edgy advertising to push the boundaries. This can work well, and the benefits can outweigh the risks. But when the message behind the campaign is shared without context, no amount of marketing or brand explanations can overcome the negativity. In this week's episode of Marketing on Tap, we look at how recent examples of edgy messaging gone astray cost the brands involved the goodwill of consumers, and highlighted the dangers of this risky type of marketing. Settle back and enjoy this week’s topic, brought to you in the usual unscripted manner that you’ve come to expect when Sam and Danny take the mic. Read the transcript (

  • Episode 12: Customer Experience, Brand Advocacy, and Being Human in Business

    28/09/2018 Durata: 28min

    Customer experience and brand advocacy go hand in hand. Get the customer experience right, and your brand advocates will grow, both internally and externally. Yet as the ways brands interact with customers adapts and changes, and technology plays as big a part as the human interaction, how is customer experience evolving? Is it, or are brands living in the past? In this week's episode of Marketing on Tap, we look at how changing customer behaviour is driving the experience, and how brands can offer a human business face, even when automation is driving the interactions. Settle back and enjoy this week’s topic, brought to you in the usual unscripted manner that you’ve come to expect when Sam and Danny take the mic. Read the transcript (

  • Episode 11: Tim Hortons, BlackBerry, or Why National Brands Fail

    21/09/2018 Durata: 24min

    Long viewed as one of the most-loved stalwarts of the Canadian marketplace, coffee chain Tim Hortons has had a startling fall from grace when it comes to the trust they enjoy from consumers. Almost mirroring the fall that smartphone maker BlackBerry experienced, even the brand loyalty that Tim's almost exclusively enjoyed couldn't stop the drop in love for the chain. In this week's episode, we look at once-iconic brands and ask the question - is there even such a thing as a national brand anymore? Settle back and enjoy this week’s topic, brought to you in the usual unscripted manner that you’ve come to expect when Sam and Danny take the mic. Read the transcript (

  • Episode 10: Lazy Marketing, Audience Awareness, and Stale Brand Messaging

    13/09/2018 Durata: 20min

    We've all seen them, and probably have a few favourites - evergreen marketing campaigns that seem to last across generations. But do they? Or do they eventually run out of steam? What happens when a message that once stood as the poster child for great marketing suddenly becomes stale and out of date? Or, even worse, alienates the very audience they were so in touch with originally? In this week's episode, we look at once-great marketing messages that have done just that, and what it means for the brands behind them. Can they win back their audience, or are apologies not enough? Settle back and enjoy this week’s topic, brought to you in the usual unscripted manner that you’ve come to expect when Sam and Danny take the mic. Read the transcript (

  • Episode 9: Colin Kaepernick, Nike, and Brands Taking a Stand

    07/09/2018 Durata: 21min

    Unless you've been living under a rock for the last two years, Colin Kaepernick and his stand against racial injustice in the U.S. has been at the forefront of both political and sports news. Now, with global sports brand Nike choosing Kaepernick as the face of their 30th anniversary "Just Do It" campaign, both Kaepernick and Nike have been thrust into the spotlight, negatively and positively. In this week’s Marketing on Tap podcast, we discuss the outrage from a section of Nike consumers, what it means for Nike, and the rise of brands willing to draw definitive lines when it comes to divisive topics. Settle back and enjoy this week’s topic, brought to you in the usual unscripted manner that you’ve come to expect when Sam and Danny take the mic. Read the transcript (

  • Episode 8: Calvin Klein, The Kardashians, and Marketing Fails

    29/08/2018 Durata: 19min

    When you're a huge brand like Calvin Klein, you pretty much have your fingers on the pulse of your fans/customers. After all, you don't get to be an international success story by employing bad marketing ideas. However, a recent marketing campaign from Calvin Klein showed that even the biggest brands still get it wrong. When they used reality TV stars The Kardashians to promote their latest product, the pushback was swift and harsh. In this week’s Marketing on Tap podcast, we discuss the outcry from both Calvin Klein customers, and social media users, and what happens when your advertising/marketing targeting is completely off base. Settle back and enjoy this week’s topic, brought to you in the usual unscripted manner that you’ve come to expect when Sam and Danny take the mic. Read the transcript (

  • Episode 7: Buck a Beer, Craft Beer Value, and Truth in Marketing

    23/08/2018 Durata: 22min

    Sounds great, right? Pay just a buck a beer? After all, who wouldn’t want to enjoy a beer for less than it takes to buy a coffee? Well, that’s exactly what Ontario beer drinkers have been promised by the new Premier, Doug Ford, following a campaign promise he ran on. But is the offer as good as it seems? Not so fast. Following the announcement, craft brewers and craft beer drinkers alike swiftly pushed back on the notion, citing how much it costs to brew quality beer, along with employee costs, overheads, marketing, and more. In this week’s Marketing on Tap podcast, we discuss the buck a beer backlash, why it shows how key it is to build loyalty and brand advocacy, and why truth in marketing is so important in the long run when combating quick buck campaign ideas. Settle back and enjoy this week’s topic, brought to you in the usual unscripted manner that you’ve come to expect when Sam and Danny take the mic. Read the transcript (

  • Episode 6: Influencer Overkill, Brand Fatigue, and Social Influence Backlash

    17/08/2018 Durata: 21min

    In episode six of the Marketing on Tap podcast, we ask the question - have social media influencers wore out their welcome? With recent examples of luxury resorts throwing up their arms in frustration at would-be social influencers asking for free stays worth thousands of dollars, to a "retired influencer", Josh Ostrovsky, telling wannabe influencers to "get a real job", is the sun setting on this industry? And if social influence/influence marketing is seeing its power wane, what does this mean for the brands and businesses that currently utilize this medium? Settle back and enjoy this week’s topic, brought to you in the usual unscripted manner that you’ve come to expect when Sam and Danny take the mic. Read the transcript (

  • Episode 5: Social Media, Angry Networks, and the End of the Web

    09/08/2018 Durata: 19min

    When a respected leader in the tech industry suggests maybe you should consider deleting your social media accounts - all of them - it's more than worth listening to. This is exactly what Jaron Lanier suggests in his new manifesto/book, "10 Arguments for Deleting Your Social Media Accounts Right Now", and is the topic of discussion in episode five of Marketing on Tap. Using the growth of social media, and its impact on the people who use it, Lanier paints an extremely negative picture of how social media is impacting mental health, fostering negativity, and how our natural responses to everyday issues are being skewed by algorithms set up to take us down a particular path. As users of the networks start to look at their own use, and more people take "digital vacations" where they switch off from social media for long periods of time, we discuss what this means for marketers and digital marketing, if the current desertion of social networks continues at its current pace. Read the transcript (https://senseimar

  • Episode 4: Cambridge Analytica, Social Networks, and the Future of Data Mining

    02/08/2018 Durata: 19min

    In episode four of the Marketing on Tap podcast, we take a look at how the fallout from the Cambridge Analytica scandal has left an indelible mark on how social networks gather data about their users. While Facebook may say it's taken steps to ensure it's going to do a lot better when it comes to its users, recent events would suggest otherwise, with the confirmation there's already attempted meddling in this year's U.S. mid-terms on the platform, and chief security officer Alex Stamos stepping down. With this background, what does it mean for marketers who use data from social networks to identify specific audiences? And what knock-on effect does that have for other networks and data sets when it comes to consumer trust? Settle back and enjoy this week’s topic, brought to you in the usual unscripted manner that you’ve come to expect when Sam and Danny take the mic. Read the transcript (

  • Episode 3: Heinz, Ketchup Wars, and Can Marketing Win in Politics?

    27/07/2018 Durata: 18min

    In episode three of the Marketing on Tap podcast, we take a look at how a giant of consumer packaged goods fell from grace when it left the Canadian market and became entangled in what would be known as “ketchup wars”. When Heinz moved its production of its famous ketchup from Canada to the U.S. in 2014, it became a PR and financial nightmare as Canadian consumers pushed back, and switched their allegiance to French’s Ketchup instead. Now, with the U.S. – Canadian trade wars seeing Heinz take an even bigger hit to its pocket, the company has started a campaign to win back Canadian consumers. But can marketing and PR win in a political and cultural war? Settle back and enjoy this week’s topic, brought to you in the usual unscripted manner that you’ve come to expect when Sam and Danny take the mic. Read the transcript (

  • Episode 2: Elon Musk, Corporate Citizenship, and Brand Cynicism

    16/07/2018 Durata: 17min

    In this week's episode of the Marketing on Tap podcast, Sam Fiorella and Danny Brown take a look at how backlashes can start quickly when brands looking to be socially responsible get it wrong. Elon Musk, and his attempts to help - some would say hinder - the rescue efforts to free the kids trapped in a cave in Thailand, is a perfect example of a "good deed" gone wrong. Can brands ever be truly good with their intentions, or does PR and an opportunity to promote get in the way? Settle back and enjoy this week's topic, brought to you in the usual unscripted manner that you've come to expect when Sam and Danny take the mic. Read the transcript (

  • Episode 1: Influence Marketing, and How Trends and Technology Are Impacting It

    16/07/2018 Durata: 18min

    In this first episode of the Marketing on Tap podcast, Sam Fiorella and Danny Brown take a look at how influence marketing has changed since their acclaimed book on the topic came out five years ago. Is influence marketing in a better place than it was? Are brands using it better to gain actual business results? And how has influence marketing software changed since the days of Klout and social scoring? Settle back and enjoy this week's topic, brought to you in the usual unscripted manner that you've come to expect when Sam and Danny take the mic. Read the transcript (

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