Marketing On Tap

Episode 5: Social Media, Angry Networks, and the End of the Web



When a respected leader in the tech industry suggests maybe you should consider deleting your social media accounts - all of them - it's more than worth listening to. This is exactly what Jaron Lanier suggests in his new manifesto/book, "10 Arguments for Deleting Your Social Media Accounts Right Now", and is the topic of discussion in episode five of Marketing on Tap. Using the growth of social media, and its impact on the people who use it, Lanier paints an extremely negative picture of how social media is impacting mental health, fostering negativity, and how our natural responses to everyday issues are being skewed by algorithms set up to take us down a particular path. As users of the networks start to look at their own use, and more people take "digital vacations" where they switch off from social media for long periods of time, we discuss what this means for marketers and digital marketing, if the current desertion of social networks continues at its current pace. Read the transcript (https://senseimar