Straight from the Word of God
60 - Finding Our Voice In The Lord - Pr Phil Haddad (2018)
09/12/2018 Durata: 27minTitle: Finding our voice in the LordSpeaker: Pastor Phil HaddadDate: 15th July 2007Location: Adelaide, Australia
59 - Jerusalem & The Second Coming Of Christ - Pr Paul Nobel
05/12/2018 Durata: 34minSpeaker: Pastor Paul NobelDate: 20th May 2018Location: Adelaide, AustraliaCopyright © 2018 The Revival Fellowship
58 - Romans 12 - Pr John Kuhlmann
02/12/2018 Durata: 37minSpeaker: Pastor John KuhlmannDate: 7th January 2018Location: Adelaide, Australia
54 - There Are Only Ever Two Choices - Pr Brad Smith (2016)
21/11/2018 Durata: 37minThere are only ever two choices
52 - The Sayings Of Jesus Christ - Pr Jock Duncan (2018)
17/11/2018 Durata: 43minThe sayings of Jesus Christ
50 - Love - Pr Chris Jose
12/11/2018 Durata: 51minTitle: LoveSpeaker: Pastor Chris JoseDate: 23rd November 2014Location: Melbourne, Australia
44 - Mercy & Judgement - Pr Scott Nobel
29/10/2018 Durata: 39minTitle: Mercy & JudgementSpeaker: Pastor Scott NobelDate: 8th April 2018Location: Geelong, Victoria
42 - Characters Of The Bible - Pr Joe Abel
28/10/2018 Durata: 35minTitle: Characters of the BibleSpeaker: Pr Joe AbelYear: 2014
41 - The Pearl Of Great Price - Pr Graeme Hazledine
25/10/2018 Durata: 45minTitle: The Pearl of Great PriceSpeaker: Pastor Graeme HazledineDate: 2007
40 - The Gospel: God's Rescue Plan - Pr Chad Haddad
23/10/2018 Durata: 45minTitle: God's Rescue PlanSpeaker: Pastor Chad HaddadDate: 9th September 2018Location: Adelaide, Australia