Straight from the Word of God
19 - Jesus Is The Ultimate Judge - Pr David Kschammer
03/09/2018 Durata: 45minTitle: Jesus is the ultimate judgeSpeaker: Pr David KschammerDate: 15th July 2018Location: Adelaide, Australia
18 - Let There Be Light - Pr Darryl Williams
31/08/2018 Durata: 40minTitle: Let there be lightSpeaker: Pr Darryl WilliamsDate: 7th August 2005Location: Melbourne, Australia
17 - Holding Your Nerve - Pr Tim Cope
29/08/2018 Durata: 29minTitle: Holding your nerveSpeaker: Pr Tim CopeDate: 8th July 2018Location: Perth, Australia
16 - The Covenant - Pr John Kuhlmann
27/08/2018 Durata: 44minTitle: The ConvenantSpeaker: Pr John KuhlmannDate: 24th June 2018Location: Adelaide, Australia
15 - The Relationship Of Marriage - Pr Roland Rocchi
24/08/2018 Durata: 44minTitle: The Relationship of MarriageSpeaker: Pr Roland RocchiDate: 31st July 2005Location: Melbourne, Victoria
14 - Heavenly Vision - Pr Simon Pearce
23/08/2018 Durata: 33minTitle: Heavenly VisionSpeaker: Pr Simon PearceDate: 1st August 2018Location: Perth, Western Australia
13 - What Are We Fighting For - Pr Sascha Bramao
21/08/2018 Durata: 46minTitle: What are we fighting for?Speaker: Pr Sascha BramaoDate: 22nd April 2018Location: Wellington, New Zealand
12 - Eternal Life - Pr Kevin Quirk
19/08/2018 Durata: 29minTitle: Eternal LifeSpeaker: Pr Kevin QuirkDate: 11th July 2018Location: Perth, Western Australia
11 - The Holy Spirit - Pr Jock Duncan
16/08/2018 Durata: 51minTitle: The Holy SpiritSpeaker: Pr Jock DuncanDate: 1st November 1981Location: Vogue Theatre, South Australia
10 - Trust - Pr Chris Kernahan (2018)
16/08/2018 Durata: 35minTitle: TrustSpeaker: Pr Chris KernahanDate: 15th April 2018Location: Adelaide, Australia
9 - Enthusiasm - Pr Laurie Nankivell (2018)
14/08/2018 Durata: 38minTitle: EnthusiasmSpeaker: Pr Laurie NankivellDate: 17th June 2018Location: Adelaide, Australia
8 - God's Choosing - Pr Paul Nobel (2018)
12/08/2018 Durata: 43minTitle: God's ChosingSpeaker: Pr Paul NobelDate: 14th January 2018Location: Adelaide, Australia
7 - What Price For The Kingdom? - Pr Darryl Williams (1979)
10/08/2018 Durata: 58minTitle: What price for the Kingdom?Speaker: Pr Darryl WilliamsDate: 4th November 1979Location: Adelaide, Australia
6 - Sojourning - Pr Phil Haddad (2018)
09/08/2018 Durata: 25minTitle: SojourningSpeaker: Pr Phil HaddadDate: 10th June 2018Location: Adelaide, Australia
5 - Leadership, Followingship - Pr John Kuhlmann (2018)
07/08/2018 Durata: 41minTitle: Leadership, FollowingshipSpeaker: Pr John KuhlmannDate: 10th June 2018Location: Adelaide, Australia
4 - Predestined God's Plan - Franco Princi (2018)
05/08/2018 Durata: 29minTitle: Predestined God's PlanSpeaker: Franco PrinciDate: 3rd June 2018Location: Adelaide, AustraliaThis is a talk given in a Revival Fellowship meeting. A group of Spirit-filled people who have had their lives changed through the power of God. We experience signs, wonders and miracles just like Jesus did 2000 years ago. We hold true to the Bible teachings and the foundation of our church can be found in the book of Acts where the outpouring of God's Spirit began the true Pentecost movement. To come and experience a Holy Ghost meeting for yourself visit and find your nearest location, or email
3 - No Condemnation - Pr John Kuhlmann (2018)
03/08/2018 Durata: 38minTitle: No CondemnationSpeaker: Pr John KuhlmannDate: 27th May 2018Location: Adelaide, AustraliaThis is a talk given in a Revival Fellowship meeting. A group of Spirit-filled people who have had their lives changed through the power of God. We experience signs, wonders and miracles just like Jesus did 2000 years ago. We hold true to the Bible teachings and the foundation of our church can be found in the book of Acts where the outpouring of God's Spirit began the true Pentecost movement. To come and experience a Holy Ghost meeting for yourself visit and find your nearest location, or email
2 - Daniel's 70 Weeks - Pr Phil Haddad (2018)
02/08/2018 Durata: 29minTitle: Daniel's 70 WeeksSpeaker: Pr Phil HaddadDate:13th May 2018Location: Vogue Theatre, South AustraliaThis is a talk given in a Revival Fellowship meeting. A group of Spirit-filled people who have had their lives changed through the power of God. We experience signs, wonders and miracles just like Jesus did 2000 years ago. We hold true to the Bible teachings and the foundation of our church can be found in the book of Acts where the outpouring of God's Spirit began the true Pentecost movement. To come and experience a Holy Ghost meeting for yourself visit and find your nearest location, or email
1 - What Is Your Driving Force? - Pr John Kuhlmann (2018)
02/08/2018 Durata: 35minTitle: What is your driving force?Speaker: Pr John KuhlmannDate: 22nd April 2018Location: Adelaide, Australia