Two People, Two Podcasts

  • Autore: Vários
  • Narratore: Vários
  • Editore: Podcast
  • Durata: 205:59:32
  • Altre informazioni



The home of Casually Sarcastic w/ Keisha & DeeDee, The Right Manchild Podcast, and 17th Sweets. Enjoy and stuff....


  • The Right Manchild Podcast #130: Done For Now, Child

    10/05/2018 Durata: 21min

    The one where I hang up the towel because I'm done being a solo host. I don't want to do this shit anymore. Enjoy the last episode, and thanks for riding with me. Peace and love. Editor's Note: Turns out I was bullshitting. Haha! Intro / Outro Music: Nahncenz ( and --- Support this podcast:

  • The Right Manchild Podcast #129: DeeDee Be Thy Name

    10/05/2018 Durata: 34min

    The one where I clue you into the name change, how my life has been since (I think), and talk about "A Quiet Place" while dead tired. Hope you like the episode and stuff. Intro / Outro Music: Nahncenz ( and --- Support this podcast:

  • The Right Manchild Podcast #128: Ready Player Washed

    10/05/2018 Durata: 20min

    The one where I talk about how old Ready Player One made me feel, along with a couple updates involving this show and my mental health....and some other shit. Oh yeah, my bday is April 7th, so if you're feeling generous....hit this link up: ......and another thing...this is the last episode where I refer to myself as "Derek" and "Mr Al Sweets".... if you know you don't, you'll know next week..... Intro / Outro Music: Nahncenz ( and --- Support this podcast:

  • The Right Manchild Podcast #127: New Gods Are Easy

    10/05/2018 Durata: 33min

    The one where if you don't get what I was referring to in the show title, you were obviously born after my old ass...also, my old ass can't count because I refer to this episode being number 128, but it's really episode 127. I could have thrown something in, but I don't wanna. Enjoy the episode, and I'll see you when I see you cause I'm taking a mental health break..... Intro / Outro Music: Nahncenz ( and --- Support this podcast:

  • The Right Manchild Podcast #126: Commitment As Cannon Fodder

    10/05/2018 Durata: 30min

    The one where I was convinced I didn't have anything to say for a new episode, but was inspired by Black Twitter and shitty celebrity couples, my own self sabotaging love life, loneliness, and the newest cinematic iteration of Tomb Raider.... Intro / Outro Music: Nahncenz ( and --- Support this podcast:

  • The Right Manchild Podcast #125: Oprah Made Me Ugly Cry

    10/05/2018 Durata: 19min

    The one where I talk about random things, how I recorded this episode waaaaaay in advance, my disgust with Oscar voters, and the loveliness that is A Wrinkle In Time. Enjoy! Intro / Outro Music: Nahncenz ( and --- Support this podcast:

  • The Right Manchild Podcast #124: Big Enough To Phone It In

    10/05/2018 Durata: 12min

    The one where I pretty much feel like this was a throwaway episode because I talk about an app that finally deleted my account, and a reboot that I wish were deleted from my memory. Enjoy the show. Intro / Outro Music: Nahncenz ( and --- Support this podcast:

  • The Right Manchild Podcast #123: Not Defined By Location

    10/05/2018 Durata: 21min

    Not Defined By One's Location... The one where I give you my thoughts on the word "ghetto" and why I hate it when people of color are referred to being / acting as such.....and I talk about music. That's pretty much it. Intro / Outro Music: Nahncenz ( and --- Support this podcast:

  • The Right Manchild Podcast #122: Bust A Nut For Wakanda!

    10/05/2018 Durata: 27min

    The one where I talk about the impact Black Panther had on me this past weekend, and some other shit...and yes, Bella makes her presence felt like she always does.....ugh. Intro / Outro Music: Nahncenz ( and --- Support this podcast:

  • The Right Manchild Podcast #121: Happy Black Panther Week!

    10/05/2018 Durata: 21min

    The one where I shit on Gap commercials, touch on sexuality within my blackity black community, give a review on the bore that is The Cloverfield Paradox, and give all praises due to Black Panther...which comes out this week, y'all! Yassssssss! WAAAKAAANNNNDAAAAAAA!!!!!!! Intro / Outro Music: Nahncenz ( and --- Support this podcast:

  • The Right Manchild Podcast #120: MAGA Stans Don't Win

    10/05/2018 Durata: 14min

    MAGA Stans Don't Win Championships... The one where I shit on the New England Patriots, give praise to "I, Tonya", give extra praise to black people, and rant about other things towards the end. Enjoy! Intro / Outro Music: Nahncenz ( and --- Support this podcast:

  • The Right Manchild Podcast #119: Patience Still Short

    10/05/2018 Durata: 10min

    Patience Still Short, Like This Episode... The one where I briefly talk about the music award show I never bothered the watch, and pretty much nothing else cause I don't have much to say this episode. Enjoy? Intro / Outro Music: Nahncenz ( and --- Support this podcast:

  • The Right Manchild Podcast #118: The Shape of Bothered

    10/05/2018 Durata: 17min

    The one where I rant about 2018 Oscar nominations and give reviews on a couple of Best Picture nods. I'm sure there's more, but as always, I don't remember cause I recorded a lot of a day or so ago before editing and uploading....yeah. Sorry for the delay by the way. I meant to have this out a couple days ago...but you know...shit happens. Intro / Outro Music: Nahncenz ( and --- Support this podcast:

  • The Right Manchild Podcast #117: Bright Shutdowns

    10/05/2018 Durata: 18min

    The one where I talk about Bright, the dumbasses responsible for the shutdown, and other things all while constantly being interrupted by my beloved dog. Well, my partner's beloved dog. Enjoy the show! Intro / Outro Music: Nahncenz ( and --- Support this podcast:

  • The Right Manchild Podcast #116: Ain't Too Proud

    10/05/2018 Durata: 23min

    Ain't Too Proud To Promote Trash... The one where I talk about the soon to be cult dumpster fire and unpromoted marvel that is Proud Mary, give insight as to why I haven't blessed y'all with a new episode in over a week, and some other shit. Intro / Outro Music: Nahncenz ( and --- Support this podcast:

  • The Right Manchild Podcast #115: New Thursday 2018 Rants

    10/05/2018 Durata: 23min

    New Thursday 2018 Rants About Nothing... The one where I rant about Apple's battery problem, Jeff Sessions' existence being a problem, and other things that aren't as problematic as as tech companies and racist keebler elves. Intro / Outro Music: Nahncenz ( and --- Support this podcast:

  • The Right Manchild Podcast #114: New Year, Do Better!

    10/05/2018 Durata: 01h01min

    New Year, Do Better w/ @FrankieLRivera & @MarieCummins81 The one where I turn my dearest friend Frankie New year's Eve guest appearance on the show into an annual tradition....and since Keisha & I haven't recorded a new episode of Casually Sarcastic, I invite her on, too. We talk a lot of shit, and I give you a little more insight into one of my favorite activities that I rarely talk's a hint: it ends with "pie".... Intro / Outro Music: Nahncenz ( and --- Support this podcast:

  • The Right Manchild Podcast #113: Boys Clubs Are Over

    10/05/2018 Durata: 01h09min

    The Age Of Boys Clubs Are Over w/ @carefreeblerd The where I shoot the shit with my good friend and fellow podcaster Rhayne better known as Carefree Black nerd (@carefreeblerd) and we talk about The Last Jedi (which we spoil, so be warned), movies, Issa rae, and other lovely things. Intro / Outro Music: Nahncenz ( and --- Support this podcast:

  • The Right Manchild Podcast #112: A Dwelling Called Sweets

    10/05/2018 Durata: 22min

    A Playerless Dwelling Called Sweets... The one where I rant about games, the discomfort Big Bang Theory gives me, and some other shit. Peep that Bad Boy R&B tax write-off reference though! Oh the three idiots who voted to repeal Net Neutrality....gobble my genitals! Intro / Outro Music: Nahncenz ( and --- Support this podcast:

  • The Right Manchild Podcast #111: My Love Is Tax Free, Baby!

    10/05/2018 Durata: 18min

    The one where I talk about my love for the state of Oregon in terms of their no sales tax policy, dates, and other stuff and things. Editor's Note: It's actually 10 Barrel Brewery...not 10 Below. Shit happens..... Intro / Outro Music: Nahncenz ( and --- Support this podcast:

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