Two People, Two Podcasts

  • Autore: Vários
  • Narratore: Vários
  • Editore: Podcast
  • Durata: 205:59:32
  • Altre informazioni



The home of Casually Sarcastic w/ Keisha & DeeDee, The Right Manchild Podcast, and 17th Sweets. Enjoy and stuff....


  • The Right Manchid Podcast #148: Rather Odd And Sexy

    13/08/2018 Durata: 46min

    The one where I put out yet another episode after releasing one just a couple days prior cause I'm in a rush to not record this show for a month or two. I also talk about the unveiling of the Galaxy Note9, give a review on Black Klansman (I think), and complain about I always do. Rest in peace to Joël Robuchon, who's name I forgot to say while recording this episode....Enjoy the show... Feel This Unplayed Track: Open Mike Eagle's "Art Rap Party" (Unapologetic Art Rap) Intro / Outro Music: Nahncenz ( and --- Support this podcast:

  • The Right Manchild Podcast #147: Science Time With Steph!

    10/08/2018 Durata: 01h22min

    The one where I welcome my good friend and fellow fantastically amazing podcaster, Science Stuff w/ Steph (@dopescienceshow) back for a second helping of awesomeness.....that is Steph for your ears. Did that make sense? Enjoy the episode! Intro / Outro Music: Nahncenz ( and --- Support this podcast:

  • The Right Manchild Podcast #146: LGTBQIA Haters Need Jeebus!

    06/08/2018 Durata: 37min

    The one where I originally wanted to title this episode "Homophobic Rappers Open Juice Bars", but couldn't because of character limits.....ugh. I discuss famous person good deeds, movies, life, and other shit. Enjoy this early ass episode! Feel This Unplayed Track: The Bangles' "Manic Monday" (Different Light) Intro / Outro Music: Nahncenz ( and --- Support this podcast:

  • The Right Manchild Podcast #145: You Good, Fam?

    03/08/2018 Durata: 33min

    The one where I may or might not of asked this show title of a question at all, but I'm curious to know how you are cause I care about you (whether I know you or not). There are talks of mediocre movies, life stuff, summer stuff, and stuff stuff because stuff. Lots of re-edits and re-recordings in this episode, y'all.....ugh! Enjoy! Intro / Outro Music: Nahncenz ( and --- Support this podcast:

  • The Right Manchild Podcast #144: You Disgust Me

    27/07/2018 Durata: 32min

    The one where I shit on humanity for it's current state of not giving a fuck about other humans, give a review on the awesomeness that is The Equalizer 2, take about the various trailers that debuted during Comic Con, and why the crowds at Comic Con has me not even wanting to bother with it next year. Intro / Outro Music: Nahncenz ( and --- Support this podcast:

  • The Right Manchild Podcast #143: Hall H Warriors

    20/07/2018 Durata: 26min

    The one where I mention that it's episode 123 in the show starter and I have no idea why. It's also the one where I talk about Apple's expensive ass MacBook Pro update, my saltiness about not attending San Diego Comic Con (I think), and give y'all my thought on the mindfuck of an excellent directorial debut from one ha;f of The Coup, Boots Reily's "Sorry To Bother You. Enjoy the show! Feel This Unplayed Track: Das Racist's "Chicken And Meat" (Shut Up, Dude) Intro / Outro Music: Nahncenz ( and --- Support this podcast:

  • The Right Manchild Podcast #142: Free Fries Or Racism?

    13/07/2018 Durata: 21min

    The one where I scrapped an entire episode because I wasn't happy with it, only to crack open and drink half a bottle of wine and record some more. Turns out I'm not quite happy with this episode either. There is no spoon...only Zuul...right? Anyway, enjoy the filler. Intro / Outro Music: Nahncenz ( and --- Support this podcast:

  • The Right Manchild Podcast #141: Ribnificent!

    06/07/2018 Durata: 28min

    The one where I couldn't think of a clever show title so I just made up a word describing just how good my mom's BBQ ribs are. The significant day that most folks celebrate except me on July 4th happened, so I talk about that. I shit on The First Purge, and I talk about life stuff and how everyone who's clowning Terry Crews should catch a throat chop......enjoy! Intro / Outro Music: Nahncenz ( and --- Support this podcast:

  • Casually Sarcastic w/ Keisha & DeeDee# 50: Life At 50 Eps...

    03/07/2018 Durata: 01h07min

    Life At 50 Episodes... We talk about our lives, we talk shit about DeeDee, and we talk about other stuff and things on our 50th episode! Intro / Outro Music: Nahncenz ( and --- Support this podcast:

  • The Right Manchild Podcast #140: For The Broke & Indecisive

    29/06/2018 Durata: 20min

    The one where I talk about the incredibly dark and wonderful thing that is season 2 of Luke Cage, rant about life, probably some more self deprecation. You know, the usual..... Intro / Outro Music: Nahncenz ( and --- Support this podcast:

  • The Right Manchild Podcast #139: Nasir Was Weak...Moving On

    22/06/2018 Durata: 16min

    The one where I talk about how certain things that piss me off, like the unnecessary Superfly remake, and people telling us to have empathy for an abusive piece of shit rapper who got gunned down over some bullshit. People are weird...myself included, but not as weird as these physical / sexual abuse apologists! Oh yeah, I forgot to talk about that new Nas album, and the joint Beyonce / Jay Z album that dropped out of nowhere a couple days later. Next week....maybe. Intro / Outro Music: Nahncenz ( and --- Support this podcast:

  • The Right Manchild Podcast #138: They Got Game....And Games!

    15/06/2018 Durata: 53min

    The one where I couldn't even begin to tell you how I relationship, cause dating and relationships in 2018 are harder than I wish I was when I wrote this. I also want a bit about this week's E3 (I go on for almost 30 minutes about the press shows, gushing about Ghost of Tsushima, which is made from the folks who made the Imfamous series (and not Horizon Zero Dawn, which was developed by Guerilla Games)), and why they gotta make me wait till January 2019 for Kingdom Hearts 3...ugh! Oh yeah, there's no relationship talk in this one cause I kept breathing into the fucking phone mic and the audio sounds like I was caught in a storm or some shit, so I left that segment out. I kept the beginning part of the show description cause I think I'm funny. Intro / Outro Music: Nahncenz ( and --- Support this podcast:

  • Casually Sarcastic w/ Keisha & DeeDee #49: Crushing On Water

    13/06/2018 Durata: 55min

    Crushing On Designer Tap Water It's better than naming the episode "Please Awkwafina, Let Me Holler At 'Cha" people still say "let me holler at 'cha, or is DeeDee stuck in the early 2000's? They're definitely stuck in their ways, according to Keisha....Anyway, enjoy the show! Intro / Outro Music: Nahncenz ( and --- Support this podcast:

  • The Right Manchild Podcast #137: Rose Tico Don't Need This!

    08/06/2018 Durata: 23min

    The one where I shit on trolls for existing while bothering people of color, grabbing wholesale chain pizza while black in the whitest city in all of Oregon, and other stuff and things. Intro / Outro Music: Nahncenz ( and --- Support this podcast:

  • The Right Manchild Podcast 136: Solo Dolo Cups

    01/06/2018 Durata: 27min

    The one where I talk about Solo, which was good...and I spoil, along with other stuff and things, Boomclap making her third appearance while talking into two mics....hehe. Intro / Outro Music: Nahncenz ( and --- Support this podcast:

  • The Right Manchild Podcast #135: Goodell Is A Joke

    25/05/2018 Durata: 21min

    The one where I totally forgot to drag Roger Goodell and NFL owners for their stupid ass decision to penalize players for kneeling during the anthem, so I'm telling you in the show notes that they are all fucking jokes and the trashiest of human beings. I also talk video games and phobias. Enjoy the show. Intro / Outro Music: Nahncenz ( and --- Support this podcast:

  • Casually Sarcastic w/ Keisha & DeeDee#48: Problematic DeeDee

    19/05/2018 Durata: 47min

    The title is self explanatory, y'all, but I'm sure you knew that already. We touch on life, season 2 of Dear White People, and real life white people. Intro / Outro Music: Nahncenz ( and --- Support this podcast:

  • The Right Manchild Podcast #133: It's Thor & Boomclap!

    11/05/2018 Durata: 35min

    The Adventures of Thor & Boomclap! The one where I talk about stranger danger stuff at a laundromat, and have a lovely conversation about everything and nothing in between with my cuddle buddy, Boomclap. In episode 131, I referred to her as "Broomhilda", but we settled on Boomclap....nah nah nah nah nah nah nah. Intro / Outro Music: Nahncenz ( and --- Support this podcast:

  • The Right Manchild Podcast #132: Have At It, Thanos

    10/05/2018 Durata: 31min

    The one where I talk about how sexual abuse defenders make me sick, give you a half ass Infinity War review, and other stuff and things. If the world needs balancing, get Thanos on the phone. Feel This Unplayaed Track: Janelle Monae's "Make Me Feel" (Dirty Computer) Intro / Outro Music: Nahncenz ( and --- Support this podcast:

  • The Right Manchild Podcast #131: Goodbye Mister West

    10/05/2018 Durata: 20min

    The one where.....nah, fuck that. I know what I said, but here I am again all thanks to a certain movie theater subscription service I just cancelled over their bullshit. I also talk about my lack of love for all things Kanye West, too. Hey y'all...I'm back....for now. Intro / Outro Music: Nahncenz ( and --- Support this podcast:

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