Patricia Gozlan's recent posts to
7 Fresh ideas to More Prosperity and Joy !
06/10/2012 Durata: 02minProsperity, joy , challenging times , manifest more of what you love, coaching, VIP programs, NLP
Come Rompere le Catene dell'Inerzia
05/10/2012 Durata: 02minPaura di fallire,strategia di successo, programmare la mente, nlp, ristrutturare la mente, illusione, zona di comfort
Quanto ti Costa Il tuo Successo ?
02/10/2012 Durata: 02minSuccesso , workaholics, stess, Coaching , paura di fallire , insoddisfazione sul lavoro e nella vita
Come Raggiungere I Tuoi Obiettivi in pieno Relax
01/10/2012 Durata: 02minstress, ansia, paura di fallire, come raggiungere un obiettivo, le chiavi del successo in meno di 3 minuti, successo, vita bilanciata
Le 3 Chiavi Dell'Abbondanza Zippate per Te!
01/10/2012 Durata: 02minGratitudine, abbondanza, leggere dell'attrazione , chiavi per creare di più, psicologia energetica,come essere grati
How to Get Rid of Your Worst Fears in Less Than 20 Seconds Using 1 Simple Tool of NLP (Audio 3/3)
24/08/2012 Durata: 02minBy telling yourself a different story, which is a better and more motivating one, and by changing the internal representations of your inner films, you change the way you feel and your focus, hence attracting a prosperous reality. So, what are you waiting for? You better start NOW! These are the ways on how to get rid of your worst fear in just less than 20 seconds using the some powerful tools you can use right now! Feel free to drop me a mail if you have questions , I’ll be happy to help you out to tap into your inner power NOW!
How to Get Rid of Your Worst Fears in Less Than 20 Seconds Using 1 Simple Tool of NLP (Audio 2/3)
24/08/2012 Durata: 02minYou have a success unconscious strategy and a failure unconscious startegy. In this boos you will learn how to transform fear into prosperity struggle into joy! Let me ask you a question as a first step: What do you struggle with most? choose 1 specific situation be as specific as you can How do you know you are struggling? What is happening inside your body when you KNOW you are struggling? When you think about your business for example and the economy, In other words what do you see, what do you hear, what do you tell to yourself when you feel lousy? HOW TO DO YOU DO STRUGGLE INTERNALLY? 1.Make sure to listen to audio #1 before this one and audio #3 after this one to learn more... 2.Visit my site www.patricia
How to Get Rid of Your Worst Fears in Less Than 20 Seconds Using 1 Simple Tool of NLP (Audio 1/3)
24/08/2012 Durata: 02minWhat we say to ourselves, our inner dialog and the things we picture in our mind every time we think are the internal representations that will determine how we feel, what we believe and therefore, what we attract. In other words, what we “do” internally determines the level of prosperity we live in here and now. listen to this boo an dmake sure to listen to the next 2 boos that are following this one! Make sure to visit my site:
Physiology and Prosperity: You Can Change NOW!
20/08/2012 Durata: 02minBy changing your breathing patterns your posture and the number of times you smile during the day you change your emotional state and the power to take the right decisions INSTANTANEOUSLY. This audio boo explains why it is important to change your physiology when you are not at the top and if you want to learn how to do it easily contact me and I will show you how to do it for YOU specifically every day and make a habit our of it!
Reshape Your life:Choosing the Right Foods
20/08/2012 Durata: 02minEeat yourself happy is easy!! Decide right now to eliminate the 3 white poisons: sugars, salt and white four. If you have craving r if you are procrastinating about starting the right eating plan for YOU contact me on grab your free report and your free NO MORE CRAVINGS 50 minute complimentary session!
Small Business Owners: Use your 6th Sense to Increase your Earnings
17/08/2012 Durata: 02minIf you find yourself in conflict between what your mind and what your gut tells you listen to to your inner wisdom, we have 3 brains ( the brain, the heart and the gut feelings in the area of your digestive system)! The more you do it the better the decisions for you without needing a huge to do list or a crew of smart people to assist you. In my SPIRAL coaching program I teach how to use your 6th sense to take better decisions in your life through games and exercises. ( the letter I stands for intuition).Join my interest list here or send me a mail if you want to learn more.
Prosperità e Legge Dell'Attrazione
17/08/2012 Durata: 02minSul passo della Bibbia che recita. "A chi ha sarà dato a chi ha sarà tolto" uno può pensare che questa affermazione è ingiusta. Allo stesso tempo vedendo il senso della frase profondamente capirete che si tratta del focus e dell'attenzione che voi date alla prosperità , più credete di meritare più credete che é facile per voi avere di più e più facile sarà per voi manifestare. Si tratta sempre di sapere ascoltarvi e riprogrammare i vostri pensieri per avere di più! per imparare di più!
Saper Fluire Per Manifestare Prosperità!
15/08/2012 Durata: 02minSei chiaro si quello che vuoi ? Non basta essere chiari per manifestare facilmente ;) E' importante sapere quello che vuoi e allo stesso tempo avere immagini chiare senza conflitti interni. Per saperne di più visita mio sito e scarica tuo ebook con esercizi di prosperità: Oppure contattami andando sulla mia pagina di contatti per il tuo piccolo consulto gratuito!
L'Attacamento al Tuo Obiettivo Crea L'Opposto di Cio' Che Vuoi
15/08/2012 Durata: 02minCi sono vari segreti dietro le leggi della manifestazione dei nostri obiettivi! Aparte la formula SMART, è utile sapere bilanciare l'energia che il vostro pensiero ha rispetto all'obiettivo specifico. Stress, dubbio, paura e convinzioni limitanti sono tutti i freni che appesantiscono l'energia del vs obiettivo.
Segreto #1: Manifestazioni dei Tuoi Obiettivi!
15/08/2012 Durata: 02minCi sono vari segreti dietro le leggi della manifestazione dei nostri obiettivi! A parte la formula SMART, è utile sapere bilanciare l'energia che il vostro pensiero ha rispetto all'obiettivo specifico. Stress, dubbio, paura e convinzioni limitanti sono tutti i freni che appesantiscono l'energia del vs obiettivo. Per imparare di più vai su: e se non mi conosci ancora, contattami per la tua sessione C.A.B gratuita! (calibrare, allineare e bilanciare la tua vita)
Seduction, Love and Prosperity
10/08/2012 Durata: 02minMarilyn Monroe didn't die from suicide. She died from feelings of loneliness and emptiness inside. Death was the only way out from the trap she perceived as such. "I knew I belonged to the public and to the world, not because I was talented or even beautiful, but because I had never belonged to anything or anyone else." - Marilyn Monroe Do you hide some kind of unsatisfied Marilyn in you? There is something else you might try. Surround yourself with people who see the inner beauty in you and value it so much that they don't even notice how you look. #feelings of loneliness and emptiness,#beauty#mystery#prosperity Download your free report to learn how to let go of negative feelings:
Success vs Fulfillment : Can You Really Achieve Both ?
04/08/2012 Durata: 02minSuccess has no sense if there is no fulfillment. In this boo I show you how to combine both. most business owners do not give as much importance to fulfillment as they should the result is they end up frustrated, empty inside, depressed, and not healthy how balanced is YOUR life? do you know what fulfills you? Read my post on this and comment here and on my post:
Does Visualization Work?: Mistake #3
30/07/2012 Durata: 02minBeing obsessed by the results! The more obsessed you are about a goal the more you are in the need of achieving it, the more you are in the need of achieving it the less you believe you can achieve it. Listen to the 3 mistakes people do when visualizing their prosperity goals and go on my site to find out more!
Does Visualization Work?:Mistake #2(part 2)
30/07/2012 Durata: 02minIn my last boo I showed you how to successfully use visualization to create prosperity joy health and fulfilling relationships In this exercise we will find out the 3 common mistakes people do when visualizing a prosperity goal! mistake #2 ( part 2) Failing to do the the visualization exercise! It is so simple yet people forget or find excuses as I do not have time, this tool does not work, I should do something else more important etc. etc etc... Find out more by listening to this boo and download my free report on my site: #BusinessPeople #energy #GoalSetting #health #prosperity #visualization#manifestation#prosperity consciousness