Patricia Gozlan's recent posts to
Can You Reprogram Your Inner Dialogue and Live in Peace?
20/06/2013 Durata: 02minInner peace transform fear into power inner dialogue clear goals
From Frustration to Fascination
13/06/2013 Durata: 02minFrustration sense of confusion and loss emotional freedom Inspiration Transform your emotions when you see the opportunities Book your free clarity session
Learn To Trust Your Heart and Thive In Your Business?
13/05/2013 Durata: 02min#connect with your heart #healing #intuition #How to connect with your heart #heart-centered professionals
Sfide ed Obiettivi
05/05/2013 Durata: 02min#crescita personale#amore e prosperità#obiettivi#consigli veloci
3 Tips on How to Conquer Fear
04/04/2013 Durata: 02min"I don't have enough." What is the best way to conquer your fears?In this clip and article, I explore: "Why do you think you are not good enough and how to conquer your worst fears". This can be money, resources, energy, connections, marketing knowledge, patience whatever the resource you think you are lacking right now. subscribe to my prosperity tips for healers and heart centered professionals:
5 Minute Chakra Manifestation
31/03/2013 Durata: 02minWith this quick powerful meditation you now learn to bypass your conscious mind and manifest more abundance in your healing business. #Chakra manifestation,# root chakra manifestation,#healers challenges,#law of attraction manifestation techniques,# law of attraction #manifest your desires
Come Sbloccarti con 3 Domande Veloci (Parte 2)
04/02/2013 Durata: 02min#pnl #domande generative #bloccarsi per non vedere #soluzioni veloci per sbloccarsi
Come Sbloccarti Con 3 Domande Veloci (parte 1)
04/02/2013 Durata: 02min#non lo sò#paura di non essere all'altezza#autosabotaggio
Il Café della Prosperità il 27.12.12: Sei Invitato!
21/12/2012 Durata: 01minfesteggiare, anno nuovo, invito , café della prosperità
Manifestare Abbondanza Durante la Crisi Economica
11/12/2012 Durata: 02min#Abbondanza #paura #manifestare #miracoli #crisi #economica
Prosperity Makeover Session (Free Just a for Few Days)
09/12/2012 Durata: 02min#new years resolution#clarity#manifest abundance#economy#positive manifest
What Can Clutter Teach You About Your Worst Fears
24/11/2012 Durata: 02min#fears, #clutter. #overwhelm
Improve Your Relationships With Yourself and With Others
20/11/2012 Durata: 02min#create miracles,#LOA #drama#fear of Failure #the power of gratitude What is your strategy to change state when things do not turn the way you would like the to turn out? 1.Ask yourself: What am I grateful for today and if you do not have an immediate answer ask yourself what could I be grateful for? These 2 questions help you focus on what you have rather on what you don’t have and help you change focus therefore create better feelings and therefore more opportunities and a better life. If you want to learn how to let of of fear and attract more of what you love go here:
The 3 Minutes NLP Seminar: From Stuck to Unstuck
11/11/2012 Durata: 02minWe always tend to generalize especially when we feel stuck. This NLP quick tool called sleight of mouth patterns will help you get from stuck to unstuck. 1. listen to your language the generalization you are making ex: I cannot manage it all in a moment of crisis 2. play with these language re-framing patterns 3. Notice how you feel when you create new perspective and choices! If you have questions or comments feel free to add them here under!
Talenti e Hobby Quali Sono I Tuoi?
28/10/2012 Durata: 02minTalento, hobby,benessere con cose semplici, prosperità,dipingere,rilassamento, ispirazione
Get Rid of Overwhelm in Less Than 5 Minutes in 3 Easy Steps
21/10/2012 Durata: 02min#time management #prosperity#clutter#living in simplicity