Apparently There Were Complaints: A Memoir
- Autore: Sharon Gless
- Narratore: Sharon Gless
- Editore: Simon & Schuster
- Durata: 9:50:44
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"Actor Sharon Gless's animated yet intimate tone, gentle pacing, and husky timbre will keep listeners glued to her fascinating memoir. Gless holds little back as she exposes her flaws and vulnerabilities."
001 ApparentlyThereWereComplaints Open
Durata: 13s -
002 ApparentlyThereWereComplaints Dedication
Durata: 14s -
003 ApparentlyThereWereComplaints Introduction
Durata: 02min -
004 ApparentlyThereWereComplaints Ch1 Bubbles
Durata: 09min -
005 ApparentlyThereWereComplaints Ch2 MissGlessIsAboutToPerform
Durata: 21min -
006 ApparentlyThereWereComplaints Ch3 EveryoneCanSeeYouNow
Durata: 15min -
007 ApparentlyThereWereComplaints Ch4 IfItWalksLikeADuck
Durata: 10min -
008 ApparentlyThereWereComplaints Ch5 Inevitable
Durata: 10min -
009 ApparentlyThereWereComplaints Ch6 BrokenPromise
Durata: 13min -
010 ApparentlyThereWereComplaints Ch7 MisplacedPraise
Durata: 28min -
011 ApparentlyThereWereComplaints Ch8 SexEdLosingMyVirginity101&102
Durata: 17min -
012 ApparentlyThereWereComplaints Ch9 PinkSuitAndPaychecls
Durata: 15min -
013 ApparentlyThereWereComplaints Ch10 YouveGot150NowWhat
Durata: 14min -
014 ApparentlyThereWereComplaints Ch11 IGotSevenYearsForBeingInASchoolPlay
Durata: 16min -
015 ApparentlyThereWereComplaints Ch12 SomethingHappens
Durata: 04min -
016 ApparentlyThereWereComplaints Ch13 AmericasSweetheartNotMe
Durata: 02min -
017 ApparentlyThereWereComplaints Ch14 NoOneMessesWithSweetPea
Durata: 09min -
018 ApparentlyThereWereComplaints Ch15 WunderkindNotMe
Durata: 05min -
019 ApparentlyThereWereComplaints Ch16 BitchStillNotMe
Durata: 06min -
020 ApparentlyThereWereComplaints Ch17 HiredFiredAndCanceledAllMe
Durata: 16min