Rich Dad Radio Show: In-your-face Advice On Investing, Personal Finance, & Starting A Business

  • Autore: Vários
  • Narratore: Vários
  • Editore: Podcast
  • Durata: 385:53:29
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Beat conventional advice on personal finance, investing, and business with the author of Rich Dad Poor Dad, Robert Kiyosaki. Get ahead with his pull-no-punches style of challenging the advice we’ve all been given on money, investing, and the economy. Frustrated and frightened by the financial advice being given by the mainstream talking heads, Robert Kiyosaki sits down with professionals from the world of money, investing, business, and personal development. Listeners will be provided various viewpoints on how to set themselves up for financial success. If you’re looking for get-rich-quick tips and tricks to investing, move on. Listeners dedicated to the craft of finance and a better life, subscribe! New podcasts released weekly!


  • Is Now the Time to Become a Global Citizen? 

    30/09/2020 Durata: 38min

    More freedom, more options, fewer taxes are a few of the reasons why today’s guest has lived the life of a nomad capitalist since 2008. Becoming a global citizen has been gaining in popularity over that last several years for those people who are seeking a better lifestyle and a better return on their wealth. Andrew Henderson, managing partner of Nomad Capitalist says, “At its most basic, this idea means seeking out places that have plentiful business opportunities, value your wealth, and suit your lifestyle.”The idea of becoming a global citizen raises a lot of questions for many people—especially during a pandemic—but today’s guest explains how a simple shift in your mindset can lead to a world of opportunity.  In this episode, listeners will learn:First steps one should take to becoming a global citizenThe best places to live depending on your lifestyle needsHow to invest where you liveHow your taxes are impacted by becoming a global citizenHosts Robert and Kim Kiyosaki and guest Andrew Henderson discuss w

  • Mentor to Millions

    23/09/2020 Durata: 36min

    One secret shared among successful entrepreneurs and the ultra-rich is that they have mentors and coaches on their teams. In a time of global crisis due to COVID-19 and uncertainty in the stock markets, entrepreneurs, business owners, employees, and family members are deeply concerned and anxious about the future state of their businesses, careers, and families. Today’s guests, Kevin Harrington and Mark Timm agree that the way to ensure that our professional and personal lives can thrive in a time of grave uncertainty and stress is to a mentor. There are lots of different types of mentors, including investment, business, fitness, and personal mentors. Mentors are those who have experience and are more accomplished at doing the things you want to do.“The importance of having a mentor is simple—you are learning a great deal of knowledge (and life experiences) from someone who has already walked the walk, someone who knows a great deal about what you want to learn,” says Kevin Harrington. Host Robert Kiyosaki is

  • The Secret Manipulation of Gold

    16/09/2020 Durata: 44min

    As gold keeps rising, and today is hovering around $2,000 per ounce, today’s guest says that this creates competition for the dollar as people move out of the dollar and into gold. This episode reveals how it is completely legal for the U.S. government to manipulate the price of gold to keep the competition for the dollar down. To understand how the Fed can do this, you have to look back at The Gold Reserve Act of 1934 which was passed under President Franklin Roosevelt at the height of the Great Depression to stabilize the money supply in the U.S. It essentially transferred gold from private hands to the U.S. Treasury by requiring the Federal Reserve and all private persons and entities to remit gold over the value of $100 to the government. Today’s guest Chris Powell, Director of the Gold Anti-Trust Action Committee ( says, “The Gold Reserve Act of 1934 created the exchange stabilization fund which has the authority to not only intervene in the gold market, it has the authority to intervene on beha

  • “Macro Addict” Reveals His Prediction for Gold, Bitcoin, and the Economy

    09/09/2020 Durata: 40min

    The discussion amongst economic experts is, “What is Warren Buffett trying to tell us?” with his latest moves into Barrick Gold. The reason why these moves have experts scratching their heads is because Buffett is notorious for considering gold to be worthless. He’s quoted as saying, “[Gold] gets dug out of the ground in Africa, or someplace. Then we melt it down, dig another hole, bury it again and pay people to stand around guarding it. It has no utility. Anyone watching from Mars would be scratching their head.” Today’s guest and “macro addict”, George Gammon, reveals what he believes Warren Buffett’s move into gold is trying to tell us. He says, “Watch their actions, not what they’re saying.”With the uncertainty with the pandemic, the economy, George says, “You have two choices: one, you can be prepared, or two, you can be a victim.” Hosts Robert and Kim Kiyosaki and guest George Gammon discuss why regardless who wins during these current economic times, gold wins, and why you shouldn’t try to predict the

  • The Real Crash: What is Warren Buffett Trying to Tell Us?

    02/09/2020 Durata: 48min

    Warren Buffett is quoted as saying “...I would say that gold would be way down on my list as a store of value…” So what does Warren Buffett’s recent move to buy Barrick Gold mean? In addition to making a move into a gold mining company, Buffett also quietly dumped airline and bank stocks back in April 2020. Peter Schiff, the Chief Economist & Global Strategist of Euro Pacific Capital, shares his perspective into why Warren Buffett is making these moves, what a crashing dollar will do to the average consumer, and he makes his predictions for whether the U.S. will see inflation or deflation.Hosts Robert and Kim Kiyosaki are joined by Peter Schiff to discuss if these quiet moves Buffett is making are an indication something big is about to happen. Listen to find out what that is, and if your investments are at risk. Listen to Peter Schiff’s podcast: www.schiffradio.comEuro Pacific Capital: https://www.europac.comLearn more about your ad choices. Visit

  • Economic Virus

    31/08/2020 Durata: 54min

    Money flow is the only thing that can change the price of a stock—supply, and demand. Today’s guest advises if you are invested only in a 401(k) to “Run for the hills. You don’t want to be fully invested in the stock market.”Why does he say this? As you are aware, the world’s economic system was on the brink of total collapse in March 2020. The Fed, over the last nine weeks, has had to inject more money than ever before to save the system from total collapse. But is all this supply an indication that an economic depression is coming? Host Robert Kiyosaki and guest Bert Dohmen discuss his opinion about an impending depression, what is causing major changes in the stock market, and what is happening with the money supply. Wellington Letter: www.dohmencapital.comLearn more about your ad choices. Visit

  • Super Bubble

    26/08/2020 Durata: 39min

    According to our guests today we are in the biggest bubble in the history of the United States. What data is driving this prediction? Listen as they give their individual short-term and long-term views on what’s happening in the biggest cycle of our lifetime.  Harry Dent, the best-selling author of “Zero Hour: Turn the Greatest Political and Financial Upheaval in Modern History to Your Advantage,” has been warning listeners about his predictions of the 90-year cycle, and he says his forecast indicates the greatest crash is knocking on the front door. Stan Harley who publishes The HARLEY Market Letter shares his micro-view of the factors, like employment, that indicates we are headed for a 1929-like market crash. Host Robert Kiyosaki and guests Harry Dent and Stan Harley join the Rich Dad Radio Show to discuss how the greatest bubble in history is about to go bust. Stan Harley: www.harleymarketletter.comHarry Dent: www.harrydent.comLearn more about your ad choices. Visit

  • Killing Capitalism: The U.S. is Suffering from Economic Martial Law

    19/08/2020 Durata: 38min

    Who better to explain how the Fed is killing the economy and policymakers are killing capitalism than a former White House Budget Director for President Ronald Reagan? In this episode, you’ll hear a very candid point of view about how the 12 people running the Fed are putting the economy on the brink of collapse and how keeping cities on lockdown is totally irresponsible. Since March 12th the Fed has printed an unprecedented $3 trillion dollars. David Stockman, the publisher of Contra Corner, says, “If the Fed was doing its job the U.S. wouldn’t be in this mess.” Listen as he describes what he sees as the top three economic problems. Hosts Robert and Kim Kiyosaki and guest David Stockman discuss what he calls “Economic Martial Law” and just how close the U.S. is to total collapse. Read David’s daily blog: www.davidstockmancontracorner.comLearn more about your ad choices. Visit

  • Current State of the Union: A Candid View Inside Washington D.C.

    12/08/2020 Durata: 34min

    There’s something going on behind the walls of “The People’s House” in Washington D.C. and as today’s guest describes, “It’s George Orwell’s Nineteen Eighty-Four coming to life.”George Orwell’s Nineteen Eight-Four “centers on the consequences of government over-reach, totalitarianism, mass surveillance, and repressive regimentation of all persons and behaviors within society. More broadly, it examines the role of truth and facts within politics and their manipulation.”Today’s guest Jack Bergman, U.S. Representative for Michigan’s 1st Congressional District, describes what’s happening in Washington D.C. as control. And he says, “The first way to control people is to cause fear.”Listen as hosts Robert and Kim Kiyosaki and guest Jack Bergman discuss why today, more than any time in history, exercising your right to vote is the most important thing you can do, and how he views the response from the government during the COVID-19 pandemic. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

  • Political Tactics: Taxation, Stagflation, Devaluation

    05/08/2020 Durata: 43min

    The economy can be divided into two eras: Before Coronavirus (BC) and After Coronavirus (AC) and it all comes down to taxes. And as the United States faces a presidential election in less than 100 days, there’s a great debate as to which candidate’s policies are best for the taxpayers.If you earn your income on the left side of the quadrant—through ordinary income—the only tax break you have is to buy a bigger house and go into greater debt. But the rich have scores of tax breaks offered to them by the government to encourage investment and business development, which generates more jobs. The big question is which candidate’s tax plan will benefit the job creators? Hosts Robert and Kim Kiyosaki are joined by Rich Dad Tax Advisor, Tom Wheelwright, to discuss the political tactics being used to sway constituents this election cycle, and what entrepreneurs can start doing today to pay fewer taxes. www.wealthability.comLearn more about your ad choices. Visit

  • Family, Loyalty, Business: Eric Trump on Growing Up in the Trump Family

    03/08/2020 Durata: 42min

    One might think that growing up with the last name Trump means you’ve been handed everything your whole life or things have been easy for you, but that couldn’t be further from the truth. Eric Trump joins the Rich Dad Radio show to discuss what life is like as the son of the 45th President of the United States and how his parents raised him and his siblings to work hard and understand the value of a dollar. You’ll also hear Eric discuss:What he’s learned about business through these unprecedented times How entrepreneurs who adapt will succeed during tough economic timesWhat he sees as the biggest problem coming out of Washington D.C. Hosts Robert and Kim Kiyosaki and guest Eric Trump discuss how discipline and respect shaped the way he does business and what the future holds for businesses across the U.S. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

  • Wolves of Wall Street

    29/07/2020 Durata: 42min

    There are many reasons why public employee pension funds have grown so fast and one of them are promises. Governors and legislatures made pension promises to public employees but the problem was and still is that these governors and legislatures did not fund the pensions to match their promises. As a solution to the problem, in the 1980s, Wall Street began selling pension boards high risk “credit assets.” The financially illiterate pension overseers blindly bought up these assets.To make matters worse, as public pensions failed to meet their overly optimistic return assumptions, Ted Siedle, Co-Author of Who Stole My Pension writes in his latest article in Forbes says, “Now the Department of Labor has paved the way for equity “wolves” to sell the highest cost, highest risk, most secretive investments ever devised by Wall Street to 401(k)s. As private equity is embraced, 401(k) costs will skyrocket, risk will dramatically increase and transparency will plummet.” Host Robert Kiyosaki and guests Ted Siedle and Jo

  • On and Off the Field: One Athlete’s Philosophy on Giving Back 

    22/07/2020 Durata: 31min

    True success does not come from money and opportunity but what you do with them. Robert and Kim Kiyosaki have talked for many years that one of the best reasons to become financially free is so that you can give. Giving is important because they believe none of us become successful on our own. Today’s guest, Devon Kennard, knows this better than anyone. On the field, Devon was drafted by the New York Giants in the fifth round of the 2014 NFL Draft and is currently a linebacker for the Arizona Cardinals. Devon has dedicated himself to becoming an advocate for youth mentorship, education, and literacy. His dedication to the younger generation led to the Detroit Lions nominating him as a 2019 Walter Payton Man of The Year nominee. Off the field, Devon has over $1.5 million in assets under management which does not include his passive real estate portfolio where he operates as a limited partner in commercial deals across the country.Listen as hosts Robert and Kim Kiyosaki and guest Devon Kennard discuss why givin

  • Shadow Banking Scandal: Dollar Swap Lines

    15/07/2020 Durata: 39min

    The most alarming interview you’ll listen to in 2020!Would you ever imagine that the American people are funding the cannibalism of our own industries? Thanks to something called dollar swap lines—which grants unlimited lines of credit to 15 central banks around the world—this is exactly what’s happening in the shadow banking system. In this episode, you’ll learn:What are dollar swap lines, and why you should care about themWhy the U.S. would give an unlimited line of credit to countries Who approves the lines of creditWho is going to get screwed when these countries don’t pay back the loanAnd the most important lesson you’ll learn is if you own stock of a company that has assets in a country that didn't get a dollar swap line you might be facing the most risk of all. Hosts Robert and Kim Kiyosaki and guest Marin Katusa, author of The New York Times bestseller, “The Colder War,” discuss the risks associated with dollar swap lines, how lending to these countries will affect commodities, and most important is w

  • Three Things Are Certain in Life:  Death, Taxes, and Bitcoin

    13/07/2020 Durata: 44min

    Gold became money as determined by the free market because of its properties—scarcity. But with the invention of Bitcoin, we are now seeing a historical event that will never be repeated. What makes Bitcoin so special is that prior to Bitcoin there was no other form of money with its absolute limited supply.Bitcoin’s characteristics make it a direct competitor to the central banks because of its absolute scarcity, resistance to theft and confiscation, and the system that it’s built upon prevents it from being shut down. Today’s guest, Robert Breedlove who is the Co-Founder and CEO of Parallax Digital, a digital asset hedge fund and digital securities advisory firm, says, “Central banking is a model based on socialism.” Whereas “Bitcoin is purely a capitalist technology and lives entirely in the free market.”So what is the endgame? Bitcoin separates money from State control.Host Robert Kiyosaki and guest Robert Breedlove, CEO of Parallax Digital, discuss the history of money, why fiat currency is a pyramid sch

  • Crypto Expert Predicts Bitcoin Will Hit 100k: Making the Case for People’s Money

    08/07/2020 Durata: 32min

    Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies are now challenging the hegemony of the U.S. dollar and other fiat currencies.In May 2020, a historic event cut the daily incoming supply of Bitcoin from 1800 Bitcoin per day to 900 Bitcoin per day—a sort of quantitative hardening—opposite of what the Fed is doing by printing trillions of dollars. Central banks, in simplest terms, create money out of nothing. They create “fake money” and loan it to governments.Bitcoin, on the other hand, is completely decentralized meaning that nobody can manipulate the market and there is not any single point of failure. It will be interesting to see how long the Central Banks will tolerate the competition from cyber money before there is a showdown. Host Robert Kiyosaki and guest Anthony Pompliano examine the value of Bitcoin in the current economy and how it may create a quasi gold standard. The Pomp Podcast: Open Letter to Ray Dalio: more about your ad choices. Visit megap

  • How to Begin Writing Your Own Book—and Make Money!

    01/07/2020 Durata: 39min

    In 1997, the book Rich Dad Poor Dad was self-published because every publisher Robert and Kim offered it to turned it down. Most publishers sent rejection letters stating, “We are not interested in your book at this time.” A few more honest publishers thought Robert’s ideas were ridiculous. As a result, Robert and Kim turned to self-publishing.Three years later, Rich Dad Poor Dad made the New York Times Best Sellers list, the only self-published book on the list at the time. Then Oprah Winfrey called, and the rest is history. If you’ve ever had the idea to write your own book, this show is for you. Everyone has a great story living inside of them, it’s just a matter of getting that story to come to life, and even better make money doing so!Hosts Robert and Kim Kiyosaki and guest Chandler Bolt discuss how now might be the best time to start writing your book, and why self-publishing can help you generate income even during a pandemic. Website: https://self-publishingschool.comPodcast: https://self-publishingsch

  • Cutting America’s Dependence on China for Medicines

    29/06/2020 Durata: 29min

    When the coronavirus pandemic struck in the United States, the FDA was forced to closely monitor the medical product supply chain, including disruptions to supply or shortages of critical medical products in the U.S. because many of the components for those in-demand products are manufactured in China. In a statement in February 2020, the FDA said, “Since January 24, the FDA has been in touch with more than 180 manufacturers of human drugs, not only to remind them of applicable legal requirements for notifying the FDA of any anticipated supply disruptions but also asking them to evaluate their entire supply chain, including active pharmaceutical ingredients (the main ingredient in the drug and part that produces the intended effects, e.g., acetaminophen) and other components manufactured in China.Also, as part of our efforts, the FDA has identified about 20 other drugs, which solely source their active pharmaceutical ingredients or finished drug products from China. We have been in contact with those firms to

  • How to Become an Entrepreneur During a Crisis

    24/06/2020 Durata: 46min

    Most people are trained to avoid mistakes. Rather, they always play it safe. Robert Kiyosaki’s rich dad said, “Some of the biggest failures I know are people who have never failed.” His point was that because people try to play it safe, they never take any risks. And because they never take any risks, they never get ahead in life. That is certainly not the case for today’s guest, the CEO, and Co-Found of Nekter Juice Bar, Steve Schulze. Prior to launching Nekter, Steve worked for consumer-based companies in various sales, marketing, and management capacities, including spending over 10 years in the infomercial industry. Like many Americans, Steve found himself jobless after the financial crisis of 2008. This crisis provided Steve with a new perspective about what he wanted to do in the next chapter of his life—and so Nekter was born. From one single store in 2010 to now over 160 locations in 16 states nationwide, Nekter has become a clear leader in the elevated juice bar experience. In this episode, hosts Rob

  • The Original Internet Godfather: From FBI’s Most Wanted to Leading Security Expert

    17/06/2020 Durata: 42min

    Online crime often succeeds because of failure across a variety of systems and as technology changes, cybersecurity becomes increasingly more difficult to maintain. Those that are committing online crime usually operate open source and somewhat freely exchange information. The result is a criminal community that is more educated and much quicker than the “good guys.” Today’s guest, Brett Johnson, ran the first organized cybercrime community, Shadowcrew, but after finding himself on the United States Most Wanted List, he’s turned from bad guy to good guy. His background as the first Internet Godfather and current status as a leading security professional give Brett a unique insight and understanding of cybersecurity unavailable anywhere else. Hosts Robert and Kim Kiyosaki are joined by cybercrime expert, Brett Johnson and VP of Operations at Rich Dad, Robb LeCount to discuss the latest trends in cybercrimes and what you can do to protect yourself from online security attacks. Follow Brett on Twitter: @GOllumfu

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