Beat conventional advice on personal finance, investing, and business with the author of Rich Dad Poor Dad, Robert Kiyosaki. Get ahead with his pull-no-punches style of challenging the advice we’ve all been given on money, investing, and the economy. Frustrated and frightened by the financial advice being given by the mainstream talking heads, Robert Kiyosaki sits down with professionals from the world of money, investing, business, and personal development. Listeners will be provided various viewpoints on how to set themselves up for financial success. If you’re looking for get-rich-quick tips and tricks to investing, move on. Listeners dedicated to the craft of finance and a better life, subscribe! New podcasts released weekly!
Bank to the Future
20/01/2021 Durata: 37minAs the Federal Reserve Bank keeps printing money, money becomes devalued. Some of the people most respected in the finance world are finally seeing this and they are moving to cryptocurrency as one of their solutions. So what does the future of banking look like?Simon Dixon is the author of “Bank to the Future: Protect Your Future Before Governments go Bust” and he says, “For governments to meet their obligations that they simply cannot meet, we have to move to a completely new monetary negotiation in a Bretton Woods type negotiation.” This move makes the case that once these banks fail, customers will be forced to move to a digital system with the Central Banks. Hosts Robert and Kim Kiyosaki and guest Simon Dixon discuss the future of Bitcoin and the case for digital currency in the future. Website: https://www.retirementplanb.comFollow Simon on Twitter: @SimonDixonTwittLearn more about your ad choices. Visit
Wondery Has a New Series
14/01/2021 Durata: 08minIn Wondery’s newest series, Business Movers, host Lindsay Graham dives deep into the inner workings of some of the most successful companies of all time. From the origin stories of their famed leaders to the million dollar idea that catapulted them to success, how exactly did these companies grow from an idea and a dream to multibillion dollar corporations? Hear the landmark decisions, the scandals, and the stunning triumphs that made them who they are. First up: Walt Disney. Listen at more about your ad choices. Visit
Winners and losers in the post-pandemic world
13/01/2021 Durata: 36minToday’s guest says the new depression that has emerged from the COVID pandemic is the worst economic crisis in U.S. history. Author and economist, James Rickards, says “The virus didn’t cause the depression, it was our response to the virus.” In his latest book, The New Great Depression, James pulls back the curtain to reveal the true risks to our financial system and what savvy investors can do to survive—even prosper—during a time of unrivaled turbulence. Hosts Robert and Kim Kiyosaki and guest James Rickards discuss what James calls “The New Great Depression” and the impacts of the pandemic on the economy, real estate, and business owners, and more importantly, what you can do about it. Get James Rickards’ new book “The New Great Depression” on Amazon: www.jamesrickardsproject.comLearn more about your ad choices. Visit
The Pandemic and the Return of Inflation
06/01/2021 Durata: 37minThe impacts of Covid-19 are causing incredible unrest in the economy and the workforce. Political and social unrest continues to grow, and the U.S. economy is teetering on collapse. The only thing keeping the economy from total destruction is that the Fed continues to print money. As a result, there’s going to be a lot of volatility in the prices of commodities in the developed world. This includes hyper-inflation where gold performs incredibly well. Today’s guest predicts that with the mass printing of money, the U.S. could see higher inflation within five years. Lyn Alden, a respected maco-analyst, says, “When we see cases of higher inflation, you see two things: the destruction of the productive base and the country owes a debt in a currency they can’t print.” But because of a history of commodity over-supply, inflationary policy hasn’t been very apparent. Host Robert Kiyosaki and guest Lyn Alden discuss the two indicators of hyper-inflation to watch for and the Fed’s response to it. Website: www.lynalden.
Your Taxes in 2021
30/12/2020 Durata: 32minAre you wondering what will happen with your taxes when Biden takes office? Today’s guest describes what will happen If you are earning ordinary income—working a 9-5 job. The reality is employees have little control over their money when it comes to taxes. They are at the full discretion of the law, which gives them very little wiggle room. On the other hand, the rich are excited about the tax cuts. Not because they might make more or less in after-tax income (though the smart ones always will make more), but because they have new incentives built into the law to discover and take advantage of.One question that gets answered is: Why does the government reward entrepreneurs and investors with tax breaks? Tom Wheelwright, Rich Dad Tax Advisor says, “Because entrepreneurs and investors do exactly what the government wants them to do. “Host Robert Kiyosaki and guest Tom Wheelwright discuss why it doesn’t matter if Biden’s promises come to fruition because the rich know how to always pay fewer taxes through the go
Your Retirement in 2021
23/12/2020 Durata: 39minDon’t think 2021 will be anything like 2020 in the stock market. In the United States, there are a lot of changes coming ahead, and the answer to protecting your 401(k) and pensions is to understand what is happening in these funds. Today’s guests agree that the Feds have backed themselves into a corner and the only way they can keep the economy propped up is to print money and therefore inflating the stock market into an all-time high. As Robert Kiyosaki puts it, if you are prepared with financial education, you can survive no matter what the market does. Rich Dad Advisor, Andy Tanner says, “Don’t be a Johnny-come-lately, you don’t put the seatbelt on during a car wreck.” And stresses the importance of financial education as the way for you to survive, financially speaking, in 2021. Robert Kiyosaki and guests Andy Tanner & John MacGregor discuss their predictions for the paper assets market in 2021 and what you can do to protect your 401(k)s and pension plans. Andy Tanner: www.TheCashflowAcademy.comJohn
The Bitcoin Standard
16/12/2020 Durata: 43minGold became money as determined by the free market because of its properties—scarcity. But with the invention of Bitcoin, we are now seeing a historical event that will never be repeated. Bitcoin’s characteristics make it a direct competitor to the central banks because of its absolute scarcity, resistance to theft and confiscation, and the system that it’s built upon prevents it from being shut down.Saifedean Ammous, economist and author of The Bitcoin Standard: The Decentralized Alternative to Central Banking says, “The higher the ratio of the stock to the flow, the more likely a good is to maintain its value over time and thus be more salable across time.” And he says it’s this reason Bitcoin is the only working alternative for central banking.Host Robert Kiyosaki and Saifedean Ammous answer the questions surrounding Bitcoin and why it the “first demonstrably reliable operational example of digital cash and digital hard money.” Website: www.saifedean.comLearn more about your ad choices. Visit
What does it mean to be a Sovereign Man?
09/12/2020 Durata: 45minIt’s obvious that the world is changing and the mark in history for the change is 2020. Government debt and central bank balance sheets are at levels never before seen in the history of the world. Unemployment is still at all-time highs, and the gap between the rich and the poor is growing wider and wider. Simon Black, the founder of Sovereign Man, believes that in order to achieve true freedom and prosperity, you have to be able to make more money, keep more of it, and increase your freedom.Hosts Robert & Kim Kiyosaki and Simon Black discuss why now, more than ever, is the time to be an independent thinker and take back your freedom. Get Simon Black’s free newsletter: Notes from the FieldLearn more about your ad choices. Visit
Free Market Capitalism
02/12/2020 Durata: 35minFor much of its history, America is a country that has valued free markets, allowed people to pursue their interests, and created opportunity for anyone, without too much government intervention. But now, as capitalism falters, and the rich move their money out of the country, violence increases, and politicians promising prosperity are elected, the future of the United States is a big question mark. Today’s guests agree that when we had sound money, “we didn’t have this financialization of the economy.” George Gammon and Mark Moss join Robert and Kim Kiyosaki on The Rich Dad Radio show for a very special, in-studio interview where they discuss current economic events including censorship, Bitcoin, and the future of the economy. George Gammon: www.georgegammon.comMark Moss: https://1markmoss.comLearn more about your ad choices. Visit
How to Create a Miracle Morning
25/11/2020 Durata: 39minWith all the negativity and chaos going on in the world it’s difficult to find a place of balance and happiness. Today’s guest says, “What the world needs now is a paradigm shift that says it doesn’t matter what’s going on in the outer world, it’s about what’s going on inside of you.” Since his incredibly successful book, The Miracle Morning changed the lives of millions of people around the world Hal Elrod decided to take create a movie to showcase how some of the world’s most successful people start their day. Included in the movie is Hal’s journey and fight for his life when he was diagnosed with an extremely rare form of cancer and given a 30% chance of surviving. Listen as hosts Robert and Kim Kiyosaki and Hal Elrod discuss the book, the upcoming movie, and the six steps to creating your own miracle morning. Register to watch the life-changing film that shows you how to immediately take control of your life, one morning at a time on 12/12/2020: www.miraclemorning.comLearn more about your ad choices. Visi
Rich Dad Latino: How to Win in 2021
18/11/2020 Durata: 35minThe Rich Dad Company's mission is "To enhance the financial well-being of mankind." Today’s guest is facilitating this mission by serving as the bridge between The Rich Dad Company and Latin America. Fernando González, the founder of Rich Dad Latino, says “We Latinos are hardworking people without financial education. We never learned how to build assets.”So twenty years ago, Fernando made it his mission to help deliver Rich Dad lessons to Cashflow® Clubs, classes, events, and workshops in Spanish-speaking countries across the globe. He joins us to discuss an exciting 3-day event happening on December 8,9,10 where Robert and Kim Kiyosaki and their advisors, as well as five top influencers of entrepreneurship, will reveal their secrets and strategies for achieving financial freedom. Listen as hosts Robert and Kim Kiyosaki and Fernando Gonzalez discuss the importance of financial education in the Latin communities. Rich Dad Latino: more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.
Pension Problem in Hollywood
11/11/2020 Durata: 45minIf you are depending upon a pension for your retirement security, you need to fully understand what “gross malpractice, generally practiced” means. Today’s guests will discuss how actors in Hollywood are discovering that their pensions aren’t delivering as they had been promised due to looting and mismanagement.One of today’s guests, Pete Antico, Actor, Stuntman, and 2017 SAG-AFTRA Presidential candidate says, “It is a deceptive practice to boast about gains in an agreement when the liabilities of that same agreement are withheld.”Ted Siedle, Co-Author of Who Stole My Pension says, “The people responsible for overseeing the pension are utterly lacking relevant financial experience. They either don’t know or don’t care about what’s best for your pension.”Hosts Robert and Kim Kiyosaki and guests Ted Siedle and Pete Antico are sounding the alarm about growing pension secrecy and how less transparency in pensions results in less accountability and greater looting.Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.
Money, Inflation, and the “Great Reset”
09/11/2020 Durata: 42minWhat do you get when Robert and Kim Kiyosaki are joined in-studio by George Gammon? An incredible episode of The Rich Dad Radio Show.The Presidential election in the United States and COVID-19 lockdowns have brought anxiety about the world’s social and economic prospects to an all-time high. As discussed in this interview, there is good reason to worry. Many experts, including today’s guest, suggest that we could be facing the worst depression since the 1930s. You’ll hear Robert and Kim and guest George Gammon, host of “The Rebel Capitalist Show” discuss:What’s causing disruption in the economyThe Cantillon EffectWhy Buffett is buying gold and dumping bank sharesThe “Banking for All” Act and how that will kill the banking systemWill the government institute a “social score” and get rid of the FICO score?Stay to the end to find out what George says when Robert asks, “What a person can do to avoid becoming a victim when the system collapses?”Website: www.georgegammon.comLearn more about your ad choices. Visit m
The Coming Financial Crisis and the Return to Gold
04/11/2020 Durata: 52minThe Federal Reserve has undoubtedly expanded the Fed balance sheet to record levels through printing trillions of dollars during the pandemic, but the full effects are still unknown. Today’s guest says the pandemic has created a multi-generational shift in the economy and he believes the pandemic is not going away anytime soon. As a result, he’s making a prediction for gold to hit 15k by 2025. Listen as James Rickards, former national security advisor for the Pentagon and the CIA, gives his insights and predictions for the following topics: What does the rising price of gold mean? Why is Buffett selling bank shares and buying Barrick gold?What’s the difference between bonds and gold? Inflation vs. deflation; the velocity of moneyHosts Robert and Kim Kiyosaki and guest James Rickards discuss the current state of the global economy and why he believes we are headed for a major global financial crisis in the near future that will be greater than 2008.Visit www.jamesrickardsproject.comFollow Jim on Twitter @james
The United States of Socialism
28/10/2020 Durata: 41minThe cast of political groups pushing the United States to a socialist country are skilled at the art of creating a sense of grievance as a mechanism to confiscate the wealth of hard-working people. Today’s guest calls today’s socialism a marriage between classic socialism and identity politics, “Identity socialism.” People who have witnessed and escaped socialist countries, are seeing its resurrection in the United States and are leaving many to wonder how can socialism work now when it has never worked before?Dinesh D’Souza, author and filmmaker says, “Socialism represents misery and scarcity,” and the left is trying to push the politics of fear. Hosts Robert and Kim Kiyosaki and Dinesh D’Souza discuss how the left uses fear to push a political agenda that they would not be able to achieve otherwise and why the nation needs capitalism and liberty. Get Dinesh D’Souza’s book: United States of SocialismWebsite: https://www.dineshdsouza.comLearn more about your ad choices. Visit
The Future of Green/Clean Energy
26/10/2020 Durata: 46minEnergy is one of the leading issues in the upcoming U.S. Presidential Election. Supporters of the Green New Deal are shoving this idea to the top of political headlines and are what today’s guest calls “Champagne Socialists”—those who push their ideologies unto others but aren’t willing to get their hands dirty. We all want a better world for future generations than we have today. But to have an electrical world powered by wind and solar, you need rare-earths, silver, copper, cobalt… you need many different and expensive materials in vast quantities.Marin Katusa, one of the world’s most successful resource venture capital fund managers, overseeing some of the largest funds in North America, says, “There's some seriously big money to be made in this trend. And there's going to be a lot of mistakes. There's going to be a lot of scams. There's going to be a lot of wasted government money, just like you mentioned, Solyndra and other deals from Obama's green dream. But just like I proved it before, there's going t
The Future of Crypto: Asset-backed lending for crypto
21/10/2020 Durata: 47minThe future for cryptocurrencies is bright, but one thing that has held it back from being adopted by the masses is its ability to be used in the existing financial system. As crypto continues to grow, today’s guest believes you’re going to need the ability to earn interest on your Bitcoin, to use your Bitcoin as collateral for a loan, and the ability to seamlessly transfer and integrate your Bitcoin holdings with the financial services that exist for other asset classes. Zac Prince, CEO & Founder of BlockFi says, “BlockFi’s lending platform makes it easy for people to take out a crypto asset-backed loan. Customers can apply in less than 2 minutes and many of our clients go from application-to-funding in as few as 1.5 hours.” Hosts Robert and Kim Kiyosaki are joined by Zac Prince to discuss why asset-backed lending is the future for this asset class, and how BlockFi is bridging the world of traditional finance and blockchain technology. Special offer for listeners: For a limited time, get a bonus of up to
Work Less, Pay Less: Why Deflation is Key to an Abundant Future
14/10/2020 Durata: 47minToday, the world is facing many of the same problems that were being faced before the Great Depression set in. The world’s governments are facing massive and unsustainable debt and today’s guest says you “can’t solve a debt problem with more debt.” The problem we’re facing today is that technology is advancing far faster than the governments can keep up with—it’s a true battle between the Industrial Age and the Information age. Jeff Booth is the author of “The Price of Tomorrow: Why Deflation is the Key to an Abundant Future” and he believes that technology-driven deflation is a significant challenge for the global economy, and central banks attempting to create artificial inflation through monetary policy are doomed, ultimately, to failure. Hosts Robert and Kim Kiyosaki and guest Jeff Booth discuss why the world will need to move to a deflationary economy and why you should care. Website: https://thepriceoftomorrow.comLearn more about your ad choices. Visit
Today’s Greatest Investment: Gold
12/10/2020 Durata: 41minAt Rich Dad, we say Knowledge is the New Money. This is because wealth is attained by your ability to understand what is happening in the markets and to act accordingly. Today’s guest explains the extraordinary bull market now emerging in metals and mining, and how the most respected investment event of its kind, The New Orleans Investment Conference, will deliver top-notch education in the precious metals markets. The host of The New Orleans Investment Conference, Brien Lundin, says “It’s crucial that you know how to invest in gold and you know what’s going to happen to protect what you have.”To learn about what Robert Kiyosaki describes as “today’s greatest investment,” join some of the most respected experts at The New Orleans Investment Conference, October 14 -17th, Robert and Kim Kiyosaki and Brien Lundin discuss his take on where the precious metals like gold are going and why you should care. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Bullish on Gold? Why not own the gold mine?
07/10/2020 Durata: 50minRobert and Kim Kiyosaki are self-declared hard asset investors, they both admittedly have sworn off paper assets. Listen as today’s guests make the case for owning gold mining shares. So what does the future hold for gold? The guests both say that the future for gold is very bright!Peter Schiff, Chief Economist & Global Strategist of Euro Pacific Capital, makes the case for his gold fund and says, “If you’re bullish on gold, you want to own the gold mine.” Long time friend of Rich Dad and Certified Financial Planner, John MacGregor says, “This is a perfect play on gold,” and offers the following tips for evaluating a gold fund: History of consistent performanceManagement of the fundExpense ratios But as Robert says, before investing in any fund you must do your research. Hosts Robert and Kim Kiyosaki, along with guests Peter Schiff and John MacGregor discuss what makes a good fund and what makes a bad fund—and why you should care!Get John MacGregor’s Book: “Top 10 Reasons the Rich Go Broke”Listen to Peter