Naval Education and Training Command Force Master Chief Karim Cole dispels several myths regarding Ready, Relevant Learning (RRL). RRL is one of the Navy's Sailor 2025 key initiatives with a focus on providing Sailors the right training at the right time throughout their career.
NETC: Fleet Readiness Starts Here: OS Pilot Course Lessons Learned
14/08/2019Naval Education and Training Command Force Master Chief Karim Cole discusses the lessons learned from the Operations Specialist (OS) Pilot Course that will be incorporated into OS modernized training that begins September 2019 at Center for Surface Combat Systems Unit Great Lakes, Illinois.
NETC: Fleet Readiness Starts Here - Modernized Operations Specialist Training
06/06/2019Rear Adm. Kyle Cozad, commander, Naval Education and Training Command, discusses the impact and value of modernized operations specialist training at Naval Station Great Lakes, Illinois.
NETC: Fleet Readiness Starts Here: Force Cole's CPO Birthday Message
01/04/2019NETC Force Master Chief Karim Cole extends birthday wishes to all chief petty officers within the NETC domain.
NETC: Fleet Readiness Starts Here - How Does Ready, Relevant Learning Benefit Sailors?
18/03/2019Naval Education and Training Command Force Master Chief Karim Cole discusses how Ready, Relevant Learning benefits the Navy's Sailors.
NETC: Fleet Readiness Starts Here - NETC Commander Discusses Ready, Relevant Learning
04/03/2019Rear Adm. Kyle Cozad, commander, Naval Education and Training Command, discusses Ready, Relevant Learning, the long-term investment to improve individual Sailor performance and enhance fleet readiness with three major components that address the WHEN, HOW and WHERE we train.
NETC: Fleet Readiness Starts Here - Ready, Relevant Learning Myths
28/01/2019190128-N-N0443-0001 PENSACOLA, Fla. (Jan. 28, 2019) Naval Education and Training Command Force Master Chief Karim Cole dispels several myths regarding Ready, Relevant Learning (RRL). RRL is one of the Navy’s Sailor 2025 key initiatives with a focus on providing Sailors the right training at the right time throughout their career. (U.S. Navy audio podcast/Released)