Nat Grasso is a 19-year old law student, drummer and DJ living in Perth, Western Australia. In her podcast, she invites the listener into conversations with friends, family and guests about many areas of life ranging from business to creativity, music to politics, culture to theology and all things in between.
Bethwyn Grasso and I talk pastoral care, compassion and living a selfless life
08/10/2019 Durata: 33minIn this episode, I chat with Bethwyn Grasso about pastoral care, compassion and living a selfless life.
Murray Webb and I talk social justice, consumerist culture, the impact of our lifestyle choices on others and more
28/05/2019 Durata: 53minIn this episode, I will be talking with my friend Murray Webb about social justice, consumerist culture, the impact of our lifestyle choices on others and a lot more.
Teneil Anderson and I talk politics, humility, the fundamental questions of life and more (Part two)
15/04/2019 Durata: 43minIn this episode, I chat with Teneil Anderson (@Teneil.Anderson) about politics, humility and the fundamental questions of life.
Teneil Anderson and I talk empathy, forgiveness, restoration and more (Part one)
15/04/2019 Durata: 47minIn this episode, I chat with Teneil Anderson (@Teneil.Anderson) about her story and her journey of finding forgiveness and healing through choosing empathy.
Lucy Aboagye and I talk branding, capacity, creativity and more
20/03/2019 Durata: 39minIn this episode, I chat with fashion designer and pottery business owner Lucy Aboagye (@nyperfect) about all things business, branding, capacity and creativity.
20/03/2019 Durata: 08minIn this episode, I talk a bit about who I am, why I decided to start a podcast and my vision for Nat's chats.