Bad Girl Gone Good

  • Autore: Vários
  • Narratore: Vários
  • Editore: Podcast
  • Durata: 2:04:29
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Bringing stories of hope to the rebels, the troublemakers, and the misunderstood that want to do good. If youve been labeled a rebel or a troublemaker, chances are youre just misunderstood and youre exactly what the world needs to help make it a better place. Ill share my personal experiences along with my weird perspective on life to give you hope, encouragement, and guidance. Get inspired and build the courage to say F you to societys expectations and live life on your own terms.


  • Feeling Good Is The Primary Intention

    10/09/2019 Durata: 04min

    Finish out your year feeling the way you want to feel. Ahhhh, fall is in the air. Don't you just love that feeling of coziness partnered with a renewed sense of getting shit done? Sweaters, boots, soup, dark beer, bonfires, pumpkins, changing leaves, brisk days, and all things Halloween. I love all of these things because they make me feel a certain way.      And as I set my goals and intentions for the remainder of the year, I used this concept as my guide. The concept of 'Start With How You Want To Feel' from Danielle Laporte. Her book, The Desire Map, helped me decide what I’m going to do. And even more importantly - what I’m not going to do.      So, to help you finish out your year working on and working towards doing things that will make you feel the way you want to feel, I share three of my favorite nuggets from her book with you.       I truly hope they help you as much as they’ve helped me. I’ve had some new opportunities come up and some tough decisions to make.

  • Stay True To You

    20/08/2019 Durata: 02min

    Are you living a life that's true to you? OR did you wake up one morning wondering how did I get here? My favorite show growing up in the 80’s was Who’s the Boss which starred a smart and funny female advertising executive named Angela Bower. It seemed like she had it “all” including a hunky male housekeeper working for her. And I wanted to be just like her when I grew up. The big career, the big house, and a man working for me. At least that’s what I thought I wanted. Music: Kidmental @

  • What Matters Is The Story

    13/08/2019 Durata: 02min

    Why you should take a lesson from your seven year old self. As children we were able to write our stories full of personality, full of heart, and most likely full of mistakes. And that’s because the mistakes didn’t matter much at age seven. What mattered was the story. And so it should be with life. Music: Kidmental @

  • Do You Still Ask Why?

    06/08/2019 Durata: 04min

    Do you remember being young and always asking why? Do you remember trying to make sense of all of the rules? OMG — there were so many rules. Back when I was a teen, I was the worst at times. I could be super defiant and quite disrespectful. But there were times when I used my rebellious nature for good. Even to change the course of my future. It all started with my non-existent archery skills in gym class. I drop an F bomb in this one.Music: Kidmental @

  • When Your Confidence Screws You Over

    30/07/2019 Durata: 04min

    Have you ever considered that your confidence can actually screw you over? There's a fine line between confident and over-confident. I learned this valuable life lesson back when I was 15. I thought I was hot shit with my big earrings and even bigger hair. And then I got arrested. I drop an F bomb in this one.Music: Kidmental @

  • How I Found My Power

    23/07/2019 Durata: 03min

    Do you remember the first time you stood up for yourself? I’m talking about the first time you had to confront someone face to face. Not through email, social media, or over the phone. The time when you stood tall, looked them in the eye, and spoke directly. I’ll never forget my first time. It was the summer heading into 9th grade when I found my power. There’s light swearing in this one.Music: Kidmental @

  • I Didn’t Want A Wedding

    16/07/2019 Durata: 04min

    Not wanting a wedding didn’t make me weird but this did. I always felt weird because I didn’t care if I ever got married. Not to mention, I thought weddings required way too much work for only a few hours of attention that I didn’t even want. I know I’m not alone and if you’re like me, I want you to know that you aren’t alone. I have several friends over the age of 40 who aren’t married and they’re quite happy. However, I did end up getting married. But not in the way most girls dream of. There's no swearing in this one!Music: Kidmental @

  • Stop Shrinking Yourself

    25/06/2019 Durata: 05min

    I’m over it and I hope you are too. I don’t know about you but I’m so tired of worrying about being judged! I don’t worry about people judging my decisions and actions per se. BUT I still do occasionally worry about being judged for who I am as a person. And that’s way worse! The constant messaging while growing up to not “BRAG” really took its toll on me. It is some deep seated shit. And I have a few personality traits that I’m super aware of when I’m with people who aren’t like me.      Well, I’m over it and I hope you are too. All it does is shrink all of the unique and wonderful things about you. If you totally know what I’m sayin' and you’re with me, I have two part challenge for you. Listen to the latest episode to take the challenge and stop shrinking yourself! Heads up – I drop "F" bombsMusic: Kidmental @

  • The Great Conqueror Of Fear

    18/06/2019 Durata: 06min

    Screw fear and do it anyway. Fear is so powerful. It stops you from taking chances and trying anything new. It makes you hide. You don’t stand up for yourself, for others, or for what you believe in. As a result you become stagnant and bored and resentful and frustrated. You feel powerless and like you have no sense of purpose. And that’s a very difficult station in life. So, what do you do? Check out the latest episode to hear how my mom taught me to screw fear and do it anyway.   Heads up – there's very light swearing. Music: Kidmental @

  • Be Louder Than Hate

    11/06/2019 Durata: 04min

    We can build a voice of equality and inclusion that’s bigger and louder than hate. Think about who’s listening to you. What do the people who look up to you look like? They look like you, right?  This means you have an opportunity to do something really special. Check out the latest episode to hear what it is, why I'm not going to talk about female empowerment, and why my grandma was the biggest badass I've ever known.   Heads up – there's very light swearing. Music: Kidmental @  

  • Like It Or Not - You’re a Role Model

    04/06/2019 Durata: 05min

    Whether you realize it or not there’s someone that looks at you and thinks, “Damn she’s cool. I wish I could be more like her.”     Someone is inspired by you and is using you as their gauge for how they’re going to navigate life. Is that too heavy for you? Too bad. Because it’s true — like it or not. You can either embrace it or you can ignore it. If you’d rather ignore it, please humor me for just a moment and pretend that you’re going to embrace it. OK — thank you. This latest episode is going to help you realize the power that YOU have as a role model. And I'll tell you a quick story about me giving some serious 'tude' to a work superior.     Heads up – there is swearing but no F bombs. Music: Kidmental @  

  • Are You Ready To Kick Ass?

    28/05/2019 Durata: 05min

    “I love to see a young girl go out and grab the world by the lapels. Life’s a bitch. You’ve got to go out and kick ass.”~Maya Angelou     I just love this quote. And although I’m not a young girl anymore I look to it often. It reminds me that even though life is a bitch, I still want to go out and kick ass. And i’m betting so do you. Here’s the thing though. If you’re surrounded by chaos or the foundational stuff in your life isn’t order, kicking ass is really hard if not impossible.     Listen to the latest episode and try my quick experiment to see where you’ve got your shit together and where you may need some work.     Heads up – there is swearing in this episode but no F bombs.   Show Resource: Learn about the Allstar Army @   Music: Kidmental @  

  • Should You Join Us?

    21/05/2019 Durata: 03min

    Does fear or chaos stop you from being true to yourself and from living the life you are meant to live? Well, no more!  This season we’re going talk about getting your proverbial house in order so, you can focus on the important stuff. If you feel like crap and your life is chaos… well, you know how hard it is to think about anything else. And we’ll talk about developing the confidence and courage you'll need in order to step up, step out, speak up, and speak out.     Want to know how you're going to lead and become a role model for positive change? Right at minute 1:20 I'll share it with you.     Heads up – there may be light swearing in this episode.   Show Resource: Learn about the Allstar Army @   Quiz: Should I Join The Allstar Army? @   Music: Kidmental @    

  • Are You A Jerk Or Is It Fear?

    30/04/2019 Durata: 05min

    Here we are my fellow rebels, troublemakers, and misunderstood. We're at the end of season two. The season in which we built enough confidence to not give a crap about being judged.     But we’re not done yet. Let's wrap up this season with some food for thought piggy backed with an experiment for you to try while we’re on break. And I love this experiment because it’ll take your confidence to the next level.     Heads up – there’s light swearing in this episode. Music: Kidmental @    

  • Why Is Getting Started So Hard?

    23/04/2019 Durata: 07min

    Are you wondering why you're stuck in your head? The annoying truth is once it's time to take action, you’re not going to feel like it. Or you’re going to be nervous as hell. Either way your brain is designed to protect you and it’s going to try and stop you.     In this episode we’re talking about my favorite piece of the puzzle to building enough confidence to not give a crap about being judged. And that’s taking action. It's the most crucial and yet the most difficult piece of the puzzle. But I’m going to share a scientifically proven and surprisingly simple method to help you. Because what good is being a troublemaker if all you do is think and talk. Change doesn’t happen by just thinking about it. To make change and get what you want you have to get out there and do something!     Heads up – there’s light swearing in this episode.     Resource: 5 Second Rule @ Music: Kidmental @    

  • Five Things You Must Accept To Get What You Want

    16/04/2019 Durata: 06min

    Have you come to terms yet? Have you accepted that you do things in unorthodox ways and that you’re a little weirdo? Yes? Awesome! Then I believe you're well on your way to enjoying your life. BUT and this is a big but. Have you thought about and accepted that you may need to make some big sacrifices in order to get what you want out of life?     In this episode we're going to talk about five things that you must accept to help you build enough confidence to not give a crap about being judged and live life on your own terms.     Music: Kidmental @   Hit the arrow below to listen now!    

  • Start With How You Want To Feel

    08/04/2019 Durata: 07min

    What if you thought about how you want to feel before you set goals and made a plan? Would you do things differently? When how you want to feel becomes your driving force you tend to worry less about what other people think of your choices. As a result, what YOU want becomes more clear and decision making becomes easier.     In this episode we're going to explore this approach. You'll hear how you can use it to build your life based on YOUR core traits and values - rather than following the norm or what's expected. This goes for the small day to day as well as the big life stuff. And this is the first step in building enough confidence to not give a crap about being judged.     Show Resource: The Desire Map Music: Kidmental @   Hit the arrow below to listen now!  

  • Confident Enough

    02/04/2019 Durata: 03min

    We're back for season two! Throughout this season we’re going to dig into our fear - mainly our fear of being judged. I think we all know how fear can hold us back from getting what we want. But have you ever stopped to think about how fear can keep you from even knowing what you want? Like knowing who you are without outside influence. What is it that YOU want when you eliminate others' expectations?   AND we'll explore how you can build the confidence and the courage that you need in order to BE true to yourself and live as you are meant to live. Imagine being confident enough to not give a crap about being judged. That’s where we’re going this season!   Music: Kidmental @  

  • It Was Worth The Embarrassment

    26/03/2019 Durata: 05min

    I love sharing experiences from my own life so, you know you aren't alone! This episode comes from one of the most mortifying times in my life. It’s a short story about my younger self's naive idea of becoming a sex therapist. It turned out I wasn't cut out for it to say the least. Instead of a potential career path I got a crash course in courage, commitment, and determination.   Heads up – there’s light swearing in this episode. Read the blog post here – I Did What I Had To Do. Music: Kidmental @  

  • Now That Was A Bad Idea!

    19/03/2019 Durata: 04min

    I love sharing stories from my own life to help bring some humor to yours! This episode comes from one of my favorite blog posts. It's a short story about how a group of kids thought it would be fun to have a neighborhood fight club. Spoiler alert: It didn't end well.     Heads up – there’s light swearing in this episode.     Read the blog post here - That Was A Bad Idea.     Music: Kidmental @    

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