David uses this session to reveal more of how Christ goes ahead of his followers in four different directions. First, Jesus goes before us into the Throne Room of heaven, opening a living way for us through His blood so that we can follow Him boldly into the Holy Place (Hebrews 10). From there he also intercedes without ceasing. Second, Jesus is also the first fruits of the Resurrection (1 Corinthians 15). He has gone ahead of us into the future to bring it back to us. So that now we can reckon ourselves dead to sin but alive to God in him as if we were already raised from the dead (Romans 6). Third, in Christ's triumph over sin and death, he became the eternal heir of all the promises of God (Romans 8). Thus, through him we may enter into those promises, as in him they become our inheritance as well (2 Corinthians 1). Because he already reigns on high, as we set our hearts on what his kingship is all about, we get to share in all the resources of his Kingdom (Colossians 3). Finally, the supreme Christ goes ahead of us and prepares the way for us to have a ministry to the world for His sake and His gain.
Talk 6: Why does Christ going before us require a life of anticipatory discipleship
16/04/2018 Durata: 05minTalk 6: Why does Christ going before us require a life of anticipatory discipleship
Talk 5: How does Christ going ahead of us into the WORLD reshape our own mission
16/04/2018 Durata: 08minTalk 5: How does Christ going ahead of us into the WORLD reshape our own mission
Talk 4: How does Christ going ahead of us into God's PROMISES redefine our lives
16/04/2018 Durata: 08minTalk 4: How does Christ going ahead of us into God's PROMISES redefine our lives
Talk 3: What impact does Christ going ahead of us into the HEAVENS have on us here
16/04/2018 Durata: 08minTalk 3: What impact does Christ going ahead of us into the HEAVENS have on us here
Talk 2: What impact does Christ going ahead of us into FUTURE have on us today?
16/04/2018 Durata: 11minTalk 2: What impact does Christ going ahead of us into FUTURE have on us today
Talk 1: Why does knowing that Christ always goes before us make life more exciting
16/04/2018 Durata: 15minTalk 1: Why does knowing that Christ always goes before us make life more exciting
Session 5 Overview – Who Christ is BEFORE us…now
16/04/2018 Durata: 02minDavid uses this session to reveal more of how Christ goes ahead of his followers in four different directions.First, Jesus goes before us into the Throne Room of heaven, opening a living way for us through His blood so that we can follow Him boldly into the Holy Place (Hebrews 10). From there he also intercedes without ceasing. Second, Jesus is also the “first fruits” of the Resurrection (1 Corinthians 15). He has gone ahead of us into the future to bring it back to us. So that now we can reckon ourselves dead to sin but alive to God in him as if we were already raised from the dead (Romans 6). Third, in Christ's triumph over sin and death, he became the eternal heir of all the promises of God (Romans 8). Thus, through him we may enter into those promises, as in him they become our inheritance as well (2 Corinthians 1). Because he already reigns on high, as we set our hearts on what his kingship is all about, we get to share in all the resources of his Kingdom (Colossians 3). Finally, the supreme Christ goes