Tender Bloodsport

Gizzards Night! - Ep. 12: Ian Aber vs. Chris Alonzo



This week on our little show of shows, a battle between Rain and Shine. Up first: Ian Aber is an Atlanta-based stand-up comedian. His album “Night Sugar” is available in places where you get albums and he hosts the podcast Str8 Ppl which is available where you get podcasts. Ian ran for his life with his take on RAIN.Next up, Chris Alonzo. If you’ve been listening to Tender Bloodsport, you may remember Chris from episode 10—and if you’re new to Tender Bloodsport: Hi! You can hear more of Chris in episode 10. He is a freelance writer, designer, and musician whose solo works have been produced by the Atlanta Fringe Festival, the Atlanta Musical Theatre Festival, and the New York Theatre Workshop. He lives in Alabama with a perfect child. Chris paid his respects with his take on SHINE.Pack an umbrella y’all, because it is pouring. Also this week: another installment of co-producer Dani Herd's Ultimate Nerd Feelings YouTube Jamz.