Pure Cinema Podcast

Episode 12: Peary's Cult Movies 1



For this finale of the first season of the show, Elric and Brian reflect on the previous 11 (& 1/2) episodes and call out some favorite moments and discoveries that have come about because of them as well as some ideas they have for season two. The focus of episode 12 is on Danny Peary's Cult Movies 1 and they each choose their "5 Films Because" from this book, which has been incredibly important and formative to both of them.   You can help support this show by going to: https://www.patreon.com/purecinemapod Follow the Show on Twitter: twitter.com/purecinemapod Instagram: www.instagram.com/purecinemapod/ and Facebook: www.facebook.com/purecinemapod/ Elric's Twitter: twitter.com/elrickane Brian's Twitter: twitter.com/bobfreelander