Wall Street Unplugged - Your Best Source For Finance, Investing & Economics

Ep. 240 Jeff Clark: Superstar Trader Is Bullish on China



This week, S&A's very own superstar trader, Jeff Clark, editor of The S&A Short Report, joins S&A Investor Radio to talk about his last few winning trades on China.Find out which two depressed sectors he is now bullish on and why he believes they could result in triple-digit short term gains. Jeff also explains why fighting momentum is a dangerous game and how to protect yourself from big losses when trades don't go your way.Then, Frank goes through some listener questions including what to look for in high yield investments...He also shares what sector he is investing in today, as well as what he thinks you should avoid.HINT: It's illegal in several states.And is it safe to say that the markets will continue to do well if we have low interest rates?You won't want to miss what Jeff has to say...