Marketing Secrets (2017)

My Backwards Strategy For Truly Understanding If A Funnel Is Going To Work



When you master this piece, it actually becomes really simple. On today’s episode Russell talks about moving into his new office, and finishing up his book. He also goes into great detail of his backwards strategy for understanding if a funnel is going to work. Here are some interesting things you will hear in this episode: Some of the cool things his new office will feature that he’s never had in an office before. Why you should be a Certified Partner and the kinds of things you are missing out on if you’re not. And what does Russell do to figure out if a funnel is going to work. So listen below to find out how you can know what kind of funnel will work for your business. ---Transcript--- Good morning everybody. Guess what today is? Today is moving day. I am so excited. Today is the day we are finally moving into our new office, which there’s probably a few of you guys like, “Who cares, Russell. It’s not a big deal.” But this is a big deal for a lot of reasons. Number one, we’re moving to a new office and