Mamafuel: The Podcast

EP016: Leela Bunce on the relief of accepting the chaos and dropping expectations



Today I'm thrilled to introduce you to a woman whose deepest expression of her truth is a little unusual. Leela Bunce is a professional clown, a laughter yoga teacher, and actress and a burlesque performer. She's an exquisitely beautiful, wildly talented and very funny woman whose journey into motherhood hasn't been all rainbows and giggles.  In this week's episode we talk about how performing gives her a space to fully express herself and to find freedom, the importance of laughter in shifting our mood and reality, and what an absolute relief it can be to drop expectations and pretense and simply admit that things aren't always rosy and easy.  Leela lives in the countryside so there are some time lapses during our talk (similar to old-school international calls) so stick with us... the raw goodness of this conversation is totally worth it. We even get some impromptu laughter yoga coaching, so find a space to park your car and have at it. You'll be so happy you did.  To find out more about ILLUMINATE, the