Pure Cinema Podcast

Film Discoveries of 2020



As is part of an annual tradition, Elric and Brian run through ten picks each of their favorite film "discoveries" (older films seen for the first time) from 2020.  Listen to Last year's Discoveries here: https://thenewbev.com/blog/2020/01/pure-cinema-podcast-film-discoveries-of-2019/ And 2018's Discoveries show here: https://thenewbev.com/blog/2018/12/pure-cinema-podcast-film-discoveries-of-2018/ You can help support this show by going to: https://www.patreon.com/purecinemapod Follow the Show on Twitter: twitter.com/purecinemapod Instagram: www.instagram.com/purecinemapod/ and Facebook: www.facebook.com/purecinemapod/