Change Your Energy, Change Your Life With Panache Desai

015: What Anger Does For You



What if your anger were actually a gift? What if the emotion that you repress the most also has the most to teach you about yourself? What if by repressing your anger you’re creating even more of it? Everyone gets angry, but when you shine the light of awareness on your anger, it can transform from a burden to a blessing. In this video, explore how you can feel your anger without unleashing it onto others and discover... How ANGER is really just powerful energy in motion... How you can more effectively process anger when you’re triggered... Acceptance around your anger and let go of the judgements that angers brings up in you... You can let go of the idea that anger is wrong, that feeling angry makes you a bad or a volatile person. You can release all the preconceived ideas you hold about anger and transmute that energy into a catalyst for greater self-awareness and discovery.