Change Your Energy, Change Your Life With Panache Desai

017: How To Break Bad Habits



What if your bad habits weren’t actually "bad"? What if they were just your way of dealing with density? With stress and painful emotions? Your bad habits don’t define you. They don’t make you a bad person, and in fact, when you become present, they can teach you a lot. In this episode, discover how you can: Liberate yourself from the shackles of the habits that hold you back... Change your perception and reframe how you think of your "bad habits"... Move into a more conscious place of understanding when you are automatically engaging in behaviors that don’t further your well-being... When you begin to consciously accept your habits without judgment, you can dismantle their unconscious effects and transform them. When you work through the emotions that cause you to engage in these behaviors in the first place, everything shifts.