Full 90 Coaching

Jeff Guinn - Head Men's Soccer Coach with Union COllege and Owner of Pro Kick Soccer



Jeff is the Head Men’s Soccer Coach with Union College in Schenectady, NY and runs his own soccer company, Pro Kick Soccer. During this interview, Jeff shares his own playing background and journey from spray painted milk jugs in the backyard to playing professionally, valuable lessons he’s learned from his mentors, the importance of relationship-based coaching, and we spend time reminiscing about my class of 2012 at Union.Before we dive in, here’s a quick word from our sponsors.Website: https://prokicksoccer.com/Website: www.unionathletics.comIG: @prokicksoccerIG: @unionmsoccer0:35 background in soccer5:55 key lessons learned growing up under German and Argentinian Coaches7:45 lessons learned from his mentor, George Tarantini, on and off the field9:00 Learning about the start and development of Pro Kick Soccer16:15 coaching similar topics to different age groups but changing the coaching style to meet their needs through relationship-based coaching26:30 Controlling the controllables or give away your power31